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File: Emanation_2.png (55 KB, 240x191)
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Light is always a wave.
Light is never a particle.
At high frequencies, light is a Scheinpartikel
>Light is always a wave.
A wave of what
What is electromagnetism
you can't watch photons propagating--you only see the aftermath of the interactions between matter.
"wave/particle" is just a way of inserting classical language so we can pretend to understand.
of love kindness and friendship
Light is also the source of every color
Black being the absence of light make it the exception
It propagates in luminoferous aether, but aether maths got different since 20 century. Now you have bend space instead.
Of particles. Each in a different Everett branch.
>A wave of what
Jiggly aether
>be light
>get detected via electron
>required energy state changes are discrete
>only detectable via discrete measurement
>claim photons are discrete
>claim photons are particles
Yes, difference in density of eather...
Light is a fluctuation in the density of spacetime. No aether required.
Irrelevant. Max Plank tried really, really hard to make it work with non quantized energy and is just impossible. Quantized light gives sensible results, non quantized light leads to absurdities.
of qualia silly, all is mind.
Density like meters/meters? That sounds stupider than having aether.
i wonder why white is said to be the absence of color when it's the total opposite

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