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Now that all but apex programmers are irrelevant can any business major do a STEM job except be more creative at it?
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Ugh it's so fucking over...
What even are you supposed to do about this?
not needed, embrace your jewish agi overlords this/next year
I don't understand how a business major can become more creative in a particular STEM job than someone who was already educated in that field. He has no idea wtf he is doing and has to rely solely on AI. The other guy can do what he could do more efficiently and reliably. So the apex programmer using AI to replace his codemonkey slaves is more realistic.
Also not every stem job is software focused.
>I don't understand how a business major can become more creative in a particular STEM job
t. STEMjeet
My mistake. I forgot that the world of businessfags revolves around money and that more creativity means making more money and not the intellectual creativity.
>profit motive hasn't given us more invention than Jimmy Neutron in a lab coat
Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

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Profit motive pays jimmy neutron in a lab coat.
Now imagine what jimmy neutron could do with AI assistance, and all of the money being wasted on paychecks to middle and upper management. (not the ladder point would happen.)

It will hit the business majors too.

What we need are worker owned coops, like Mondragon, bc the corporate system is designed to extract as much labor as possible while providing minimal return to laborers. Everything the MBAs and HR people do is designed to extract max labor for minimal pay and it leads to shit quality and awful working conditions. All the legal policies in the US (workers taxed more than corps, corps allowed to abuse h1b, stock buybacks, all kinds of fraud and greedmaxx) are *state policy* designed to benefit corps over workers. That is not "muh free market", that is technocratic oligarchy.
Also MBAs cannot merely use AI to replace STEMbros. They will fuck up. Shit will break and they wont know how to fix it.
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Oh, you want to work with cyclic graphs?
How about you just don't.
Its not D->D
Its D_0 -> D_1 . . .

I hate programmers.
Sorry to be the one to tell you, but AI was trained on programmer input-output. Project manager input was usually translated by programmers before it ended up as training data. We're the ones that can 'talk' to the LLMs and guide them to get meaningful results. Your attempts will just result in utter failure. So what will happen now is programmers' productivity will increase to a point where we can replace entire teams with a single dev assisted by LLMs. Which means there won't be a need for coordination. Which means there won't be a need for managers. Unless you landed your position through cronyism/nepotism, start looking for other industries to leech off, you have overstayed your welcome.
if (debug == true) then Ai.setOneChangeOnlyFlag
Ai.setLasso(target, build_tests, check_logic) ->
Ai.setLasso(target tests.run check_logic)
Ai.setLasso(target.run target.errorlog check_logic)
wow, you programmas are soooooooo smart
Why would I as an employer, hire a business major to do a STEM job if all they're going to do is type things into a chatbot? Why wouldn't I just hire a Raul, the guy who sits outside the Menards looking for landscaping work and pay him five cents on the dollar to do the same?
Because your business major is from india, his name is rajneesh and will do it for 5% of what Raul will do it for.

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