2025 is the only square number year you'll get to experience.
depends on the calendar system, we are in year 1 of our AI overlords
>>16534764i'm in that picture
>>16534764fuck you anon i'm living to 2116
>>16534821well if you're one of the many 14 year olds posting here its definitely possible
>>16534862https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2116-%282025-14%29Neither Henry Alfred Kissinger (1923 – 2023) nor James Earl Carter Jr. (1924 – 2024) lived that long.
>>16534764>Will experience 2025>Will experience 2048>Have experienced 2000 and 1999 (trips)>Have experienced 2011/11/11>Have experienced 2020We live in the best of times
>2025 is the only square number year you'll get to experience.>implying there is only 1 calendar
>>16534764Time and date can be defined as anything you want, thus you've already experienced every single year
>>165362232022/22/2 was a Tuesday
>>16534764Arbitrary zero point.
>>16536255Off by one.Well, off by 200.
>>16536249>>16536266godless faggots alert
>>16536275>Innumerate Christian puts the origin at -3.JHFC
>>16536255it was a hump day
>>16534764gods chosen will make you immortal so you can serve them another million years
>>16536645See >>16536292
>>16534778What, how? How did you determine when does AI calendar begin?
>>16534999some people have made it to 115, probably more will in the future if medical tech is better