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Is computer science a science, math or engineering?
Nothing but a /g/ thang
It is a branch of math. But the computer science that is taught in universities is none of these but rather a sophisticated coding bootcamp.
>computer science
It's in the NAME. That should be good enough for anyone.
haskell programmers think it's math, c++ programmers think it's closer to engineering
Why didnt they teach me jack shit about webshitting then instead of wasting my time with "data structures", "graph theory", "automata theory" "algorithm analysis", "algorithm design", "design patterns", "computer architecture" and so on?
java programmers just want people to stop making fun of them
Good joke. I like it.
It's an extension of math.
COMPUTEr science, it's also in the name.
You need to apply the scientific method to fix horrible bugs introduced into the code by low effort developers.
You need math to write code that doesn't have absurd requirements like most bloatware out there.
You need engineering to design a system that is not going to become an unmaintainable buggy bloated mess, while keeping development costs and performance at reasonable levels.
honest to jesus computer science is mathematics
"computer science" at uni means "software engineering" (at best)
Well in the animistic sense that depends on the definition of "science" in the original methodology it allows for the continuum of the scientific method in which is to derive the absolutist existential nihilistic overseen fallacious gravitational pull of the situational specific gravitational pull of your entire ideology in which you perceive the truth of what "science" is. So the conclusion is "science" in its absolutist form is considered a science among the quantum computing super positional q bit machine learning kernel algorithm. Many theories suggest that machine learning is even a super tautological nihlistic overseen fallacy that allows for a wide myriad of possibilities within the realm of peer reviewed research. Now we can derive the truth of moral relativism in which this subject matter is engineered to be fallacious in the animistic sense.
The theoretical parts are science, the application parts are engineering, and the cutting edge/bleeding edge of it all is an art.

How would you classify a dating simulator game? At what point does the ontological software models change domains to psychology or sociology? Who knows...
>At what point does the ontological software models change domains to psychology or sociology?
at the point of no return.
None of the above because it's trying to be three of those at the same time (embedded is closer to EE, anything having to do with compilers or graphs is just math, the science part is algorithms, webdev is none of the above and is only for streetshitters).
This meme of a degree will eventually lead me to committing an hero.
its a trap for people who just wanna code
He has amazing power and norwood levels

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