Now that dark energy is slowly being accepted as bullshit, is dark matter next?
>>16535769brown matter
>>16535769um it's actually Trans Energy!
>>16535769All thanks to one New Zealand scientist.>My research is currently focused on understanding gravitational energy in an inhomogeneous universe: it is my thesis that is the key to understanding the mystery of "dark energy". I have a viable alternative to the standard cosmology, without dark energy, which I have named the timescape cosmology.
>>16535909>David Wiltshire | Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem
>>16535776enough with the indian bashing
>>16535769Dork Matter is a lot like Dork Souls: was never real/was never good, is only peddled by redditors, is "undetectable but there"/is "good but you can't tell", etc. Sad.
>>16535909>Replace accelerated expansion with accelerated expansion in voids>Replace cosmological constant with speculative back reaction hypothesis You are easily impressed. This is just another proposal for dark energy. It has just as many parameters, but it's on much more shakey ground theoretically.
>>16535769Dark matter should be the first to be forgotten, it's even dumber than the idea of dark energy
>>16535769einstein lost
>>16535769Yea that was kinda the plan actually."Dark" just means "we're using this to quantify something we don't fully understand."Its not spooky matter. It never was.
>>16535769dark matter might as well be a bunch of machos on galaxy edges' and dark energy just an artifact of anisotropy of the part of the universe we can see