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To warn potential mates you're past prime mating age?
To make you rely on skills & status rather than good looks
There doesn't need to be an evolutionary advantage to things that happen past prime mating age. It's literally just a biproduct of DHT.
thats like asking whats the evolutionary advantage of arthritis
its just a disease
Those dinos didn't fight like that, they don't have the body shape for it. More likely they were showing off those sexy chrome domes and the female dinos were totally getting moist from it - just like how being a baldchad works in real life.
More testosterone or similiar hormones outweighing the negatives. People used to have children before they turned into bald midgets, Tim.
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>To warn potential mates you're past prime mating age?
That is retarded. There is no evolutionary advantage to such function, and it would be readily selected against. You must have completely failed to grasp the concept of natural selection to even suggest something like that
Comparative fitness bonus for the men who don't go bald.
thing about evolution is that it doesn't need to be always advantageous or disadvantageous. some shit just doesn't matter.
I have another very VERY IMPORTANT gene-related question, pls.

So, apparently all animals have the same old particular basic gene pack that is passed among species for at least 500mil years.
The pack is simple, it contains 5 genes< each responding for development of torso, head, arms, legs, eyes. It's like a core script for all animals. And it's passed on and on, only external\functional features change(evolve) relevantly to surroundings, just like, for instance, the cars evolve, different shapes, speed, sizes, etc., but still the core gene script\formula stays the same, wheels, bonnet, doors, cabin, headlights, etc., and in case of ourselves and thus all animals our mass product gene script hasn't changed for half a billion years.
The question is.
What is the gene that is responsible for generation in any embryo of so called "self, personality, ego, I, me"?
Personality, me, I, etc., is an obvious trick, illusion, that has a major driving force and power that drives this biorobotic body(and absolutely any animal's body) through hundreds millions of years of everyday battlefield on this planet, forces species to wake up every the morning and evolve to death, mate, hunt, kill, eat, dominate, argue, hate, love, collide with each other like those dinos on op pic., etc, etc?
This "Me" or "I" gene has to be very much basic among these five fundamental genes that turn matter into a shaped living being.
What are the studies about this gene?
>what is the evolutionary advantage of muscle atrophy
If something is detrimental to the individual its worth examining if it evolved as a group survival tactic.
>all animals

No, only hoxozoa
>What's the evolutionary advantage to baldness?
Better cooling efficiency of the head/brain.
Hotheads be gone.
The gene that forms "I, me, personality" just has to be among those basic univeral\common genes that form torso, head, eyes, limbs. The studies show if you'll replace bull's eye forming gene with fly's eye-forming gene, the bull will grow healthy eyes, and vice versa. Same model should exist with the gene that forms "I, self, personality" an ability of any animal organism, first existing as an selfless bio-object, out of a sudden posess itself as an important unique being with aims and rights, basically the Me, I gene is the most important gene among all, it drives an abstract biomass organism to perform millions of evolutionary tasks.
So male pattern baldness is proof of climate change is what you're saying
It is not a disease, so it can only disappear through sexual selection. Nor has it happened because people used to produce offspring early enough so baldness was not visible, even for the unluckiest people like myself, who become full bald at 20. Also there are still many masculine alpha looking balds who continue to pass their genes. Another solution is cleaning the gene pool with a controlled baldie genocide.
The domes were almost certainly used for impacting something, just maybe not doing the bighorn thing and impacting each other's domes that way. The weight and thickness of the dome would have no use in mating displays

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