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Why aren't genetics companies the all powerful juggernauts that Chrichton predicted they'd become back in the 90s?
They aren't nearly as competent as he predicted. Decades of trying to clone mammoths with nothing to show for it.
they managed to get every western government, every major media outlet, most corporations and every public-facing 'expert' to coerce 90% of the population into an unnecessary genetic therapy by threatening their jobs, unemployment insurance, ability to travel freely and ability to associate freely with other citizens. all costs were covered by taxpayers, all profits to the company and if anyone gets hurt they aren't even liable. any dissent or criticism of their product was censored by every major news organization and website. doctors who expressed concern were removed from their positions. they seem pretty powerful to me.
Because despite mapping the human gnome early, and even understanding genetics enough to use CRISPR, we know fuck all about genetic coding, like, at fucking all. The best we can hope for is to copy and paste certain bits and even then we don't know if it'll work or not.

It's going to take something better than man to figure out genetic coding.
it was a work of science fiction only meant to sound plausible, he wasn't larping as nostradamus.
Because fucking with human DNA willy nilly was reconsidered after they realized what a disaster COVID was.

COVID was just a huge experiment to gather data for CRISPR. These companies should be shut down. Its too dangerous.

Note how poor the success rate in cloning mammals is. Crispr must be used w extreme caution. Fortunately it doesnt ruin people overnight, and if damage is done, it can be detected and reversed.
Knowing your genome is meaningless without the codebook.
It will take some time to finish the codebook.
Until then, insurance companies will quietly bank your data for future denial of any claims.

They are. Look at the response to the Covid pandemic. Look at how Genentech owns the entire South SF city government and half of San Mateo County.

You don't hear about it, because these companies are run by smart people (doctors, biologists, chemists) who know not to make public comments about things and to not post on twitter ever. The only position biotech companies take is on abortion, which they support because of Republican attempts to ban STEM cell research they rely on to invent their products. Which is why half the US supports abortion and STEM cell research.

Also, these are all powerful juggernauts later in your life when you will require their products to continue living. Ever wonder how we got diabetic pumps or robot eyes FDA approved? In the next twenty years meaningful life extension genetics treatments will be created, and most Americans that can afford it will live to 100 if they don't do drugs.

Which is the other side of this: illegal drugs especially fentanyl. You hear about that a lot, such as the National Opioid Settlement. Most Americans would rather take cheap drugs and avoid pain, which Walmart's new Healthcare clinics are more than happy to help with. Americans' hopeless addiction to hardcore drugs that cause brain damage and the lack of response by society demonstrates the power these companies have to control political debate.
you're confusing pharma corps with genetics. and also you're a schizo that oughta go back to its containment board.
What makes you think "stem cell" is written as "STEM cell"?
Because genetic theory is overblown. Hereditability is a lot more complicated than just DNA. Its also why there are so many holes in evolutionary theory. The theory is incomplete.
Fair summarization of covid.
Sure, all theories are incomplete, some moreso than others. It still seems clear to me that we are startlingly close to full blown genetic engineering via CRISPR, adenoviruses, and ZFNs.

I'm curious, do you believe in a god? Fair enough if you do.
The fossil record is hopelessly incomplete, and always will be.
Its not a religious thing. Its simply the data doesn't fit DNA copy-only heredity model. Species evolve and adapt too rapidly for just random mutation and natural selection. There is some unknown mechanism by which an organism optimizes traits to pass down to its offspring. You see numerous isntances of experiments where you introduce a new selection criteria, and two parents lacking the preferred trait will start birthing offspring that have the preferred trait.
Epigenetics? One of the labs I worked at specializes in that.
They haven't cloned any sickass dinosauruses yet. Once they do, there'll be no stopping them.
Give the public what it wants!
Even epigenetics is still focused on DNA. There is more to hereditable traits than just DNA, but biologists don't want to hear it because they don't even understand DNA. Cells are full of structures that biologists pretent just don't exist because they don't want to admit their ignorance.

DNA is obviously important, but if you take the common analogy that DNA is like the source code, what scientists are missing is that your game folder also includes config files, patches, dlc, and config files.
funny, I rarely go on this board, I go on this board right now, first thread I see is this, and I'm reading Jurassic Park right now
>back in the 90s
The world changed after the 90s. All the predictions turned out to be wrong, because in the 80s and 90s, humanity was full of hope and scientific and technical progress was aimed at improving the human condition and emancipating humans from the tyranny of nature and certain other people. And intelligent people were still respected and listened to.

Everyone thought that the 2000s were going to be the Star Trek years, when everyone would live for hundreds of years because advances in medicine and information technology were going to make it possible.

In fact, we realised that on the one hand capitalism was really the greatest plague that humanity had ever created, siphoning off brains to create useless applications for facebook and apple instead of allowing these brains to contribute to scientific progress, and on the other hand promoting idiocy with the promotion of literal idiots to easily exploit others, and that humanity in its majority was still very ignorant and dumb as the covid- health crisis showed where people wanted to drink bleach or take horse pills to treat themselves.
>trying to clone mammoths with nothing to show for it
I'd say glyphosate-resistant cereal crops are moderately impressive.
Lots of vitamins and strange pharma is made from genetically engineered microbes.
How hard is it to buy hyperprocessed "foods" or "food adjacent waste" that does not have a genetic engineering disclaimer? Pretty hard.
>we sloppified the corn slop
Church et al. BTFO

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