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= d(4*pi*rho^3/3)*d(theta/2/pi)*d((1 - cos(phi))/2)
= 4*pi*rho^2*d(rho)*d(theta)/2/pi*sin(phi)*d(phi)/2
= rho^2*sin(phi)*d(rho)*d(theta)*d(phi)
In spherical coordinates, d(V) is equal to the product of the following three factors.

d(4*pi*rho^3/3) = 4*pi*rho^2*d(rho)

d(theta/2/pi) = d(theta)/2/pi

d((1 - cos(phi))/2) = sin(phi)*d(phi)/2
4*pi*rho^3/3 = volume(sphere)

0 <= theta/2/pi <= 1
0 <= theta <= 2*pi

0 <= (1 - cos(phi))/2 <= 1
0 <= phi <= pi
File: image001.png (4 KB, 338x306)
4 KB
The variables are correctly labeled, or defined, in the accompanying image.
who gives a shit?
>who gives a shit?

This board is /sci/, remember?
And this thread isn't your toilet!
This is illegible without MathJaX
i've seen every permutation of "correct" labels.
i stopped remembering what the mathematicians, physicists, and engineers all say is "correct", and just reason out what convention the problem at hand decides to use
The conventional physics method is retarded
The mathchad way has theta being consistent with polar/cylindrical
the elephant in the room (or thread):
>who gives a shit?

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