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It seems intuitively accurate enough that it merits scientific investigation. Is there any evidence that low and high IQ individuals tend to hold the same contrarian views in opposition to the majority?
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People are not gonna rely on gloves if all of the mass produced gloves are made to not consider the top and bottom range.
Similarly a message has to at least utilize grammar that the target understands. Society's propaganda only works on its intended majority. The rest are left out simply because they don't tune in to and trust those channels, partially because past experience already tells them that they either cannot understand the grammar and hates the appeal, or be able to quickly understand the message and interpret the intention of the messenger, then decides not to accept it as part of their own for reasons, in addition to the past failures of following such instructions.
>Is there any evidence that low and high IQ individuals tend to hold the same contrarian views in opposition to the majority?
No, you fucking idiot.
>It seems intuitively accurate enough
That's because you're an idiot. The meme is dumb nonsense.
Yes. For example both low and high iq people don't understand addition.
>high iq people don't understand addition
What's the evidence for this? Because there's shitton of evidence to the contrary.
>Is there any evidence that low and high IQ individuals tend to hold the same contrarian views in opposition to the majority?
Not really. This meme is mostly a cope when a person (who thinks they're high IQ) notices that certified retards hold the same views as he does.
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I liked this one.
>Is this more than a meme?
Yes. It is bait masquerading as a simple meme. Any credibility it has fundamentally derives from the reactions to its use.
Pay attention to the people that complain about it.
>But is it true?
Eh. The smarter you are, the more capable of abject stupidity. It could be viewed as an evaluation of ability to ameliorate stupidity.
Yes, it is true that retards think they are smart for thinking retarded things.
me on the left
It's not universally true. People will often mislabel the meme with simple ideas, while conveniently refusing to acknowledge how low and high IQ people disagree on much more important things.
Most people are surprised to learn that the most common voting outcome for the US Supreme Court is 9-0.
I'm not surprised, given that they're supposed to be nonpartisan.
You must be new to the whole IQ thing and think you’ve stumbled upon some revolutionary wisdom lmao. They don’t think the same at all that’s why the higher difficulty items on IQ tests can only be solved by high Iq people it’s testing abstract reasoning. They’re completely different, they tend to be atheist not believe in god and shit
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100 is by definition average intelligence i.e. midwit, retard

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