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Are Northern Europeans adapted to a high fat diet? I read about inuits having that adaptation and wondered if Northern Europeans had the same cos Northern Europe is also fairly cold
WHG were low IQ monkeys.
Northern European ancestry is primarily Steppe Aryan and Anatolian Neolithic farmer.
The former had a high meat diet, as they were nomads. The latter were farmers originally from Anatolia. They more or less still exist today in Sardinia.
I would think North Europeans are specially adapted for a high-meat diet. It just seems intuitively obvious when you look at the environment or when you see for example German and Scandinavian dishes. Schnitzels and meat balls and sausages. And both of these Germanic peoples originating from North Germany and Southern Scandinavia, adapted wide-spread agriculture much later than for example the Greeks or Mesopotamians.
They do milk better. Probably why they are still there.
I drink 3-4 gallons of whole milk per week

I am 6ft, 180lbs and lean

100% norwegian
>~2.5 liters a day
You should be weighing 120kg
my brain burns 6k calories a day
yes, it's basically
>harsh cold climate - high fat diet
>hot climate - low fat diet
also for example, northwestern europeans have it much easier to accumulate fat than eastern africans
Kek. On what?
Philosophy, so a complete waste
>Northern Europeans
they all came from africa, settled in spain, portugal, france, so no. Diff typo sap.

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