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Any anons have any experience with this? It's called Math Academy, from what I can tell it's supposed to be a better Khan Academy or Duolingo for Maths.
Seeing as how the ‘AI’ used by websites (google and co) sucks, personally I'd avoid it unless you want to learn something that's unnatural and taught in an unnatural way.

Remember, only websites and books produced by teachers or veteran students are useful for education. Other sites and books are made for the sole purpose of selling a useless product.
I did the assessment but then cancelled. I think $50/month is too high for what it offers. Its basically text-based Khan Academy (text is better than videos; don't get me wrong) with a spaced repetition algorithm that supposedly helps you learn faster.

I picked up Comprehensive Engineering Mathematics by John Bird instead. It takes you from basic arithmetic up to PDE's. Amazing book.
File: 1729864303231345.png (518 KB, 1920x2915)
518 KB
518 KB PNG
What could possibly go wrong?
It works as advertised. You can easily go faster with a book and lectures on your own if you want.
>Comprehensive Engineering Mathematics
grateful for the rec
(not OP)
>[Product] is supposed to be better, I know this because [ad copy] said so
Imagine being the sort of smooth brain who lives like this
you probably bought brilliant too lmfao, khan academy is using this wrapper shit in their site
that's not a textbook
>Three points define a plane because they are the same distance from the plane's axis. That means the plane's flat
Holy slop.

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