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Explain to me why no terrorist or mass murderer has done the obvious plots yet? Are most of them just stupid? Or are the plots not really as feasible as I think they are?

For example, why wouldn’t a terrorist get a bunch of weather balloons and attach them to timed detonators that pop the balloon automatically after a few minutes or hours and then attach a bowling ball to them? So there would just be random 16-20 lb bowling balls falling over a mile high at a terminal velocity near 600 mph. Someone would not have to be very bright to do this, yet they could easily get away with it. There are many other plots I can come up with off the top of my head, yet I never see them on the news at all. Why is this? If even one out of a thousand people were crazy enough to do this, society would collapse overnight. Are people just good?
Feel free to submit your article to Dabiq magazine for peer-review and publication.
Because high IQ people tend to be high inhibition, because most people tend to be conformist anyway and because those who have the knowledge, the skill and the means are made harmless in someway like giving them an amazing job with amazing benefits or by having dirt on them and so on. Intelligence agencies are not so stupid as /pol/ would have you believe.
>why wouldn’t a terrorist get a bunch of commercial jets and attach them buildings that have melty beams after a few minutes or hours and then attach a thousand office workers to them? So there would just be random office workers falling over a mile high at a terminal velocity near 600 mph.
Terrorists are semitic or the goylems of the semites, they are not that smart.

Don't forget that terrorism is a recent creation by the judeo-humanists. Those revolutionists called their upheaval ''the terror''. So after 200 years the initial terrorists are now terrorized by the semites (arabs) which have always been the lower IQ variant of the western canaanites, ie all the jews pharisees and whatnot.
The semitic arabs defeat and terrorize the first terrorists with rudimentary tools like just a truck going into a crowd., when the humanists spend billions of public money every year over computers and Ai and surveillance tech and missile , just to end up getting reckt by a canaanite goat fucker in a toyota truck.

fortunately for the ruling class, it's only the peasants which get fucked, so ofc they don't really give a shit and can still take billions of public money and put them in their pockets and their mercantile friends in the MIC
you are a retard
Why drop bowling balls when you can drop Molotov cocktails?
No I’m not. For example, why has nobody ever just gotten an assault rifle and purposely shot at a crowd of people from very far away by arcing the bullets? By aiming the gun slightly up you could do a shooting on a large area from far away without being detected as long as there was nothing in the trajectory of the bullets
This is the conclusion I have come to over time. But you worded it much better than I could have.
There is a huge correlation between terrorism, low intelligence, and time input. Most people who want to commit terrorism are not able to spend years or decades making a crazy plot then having the money to execute it. Usually they just drive a car through a parade or some other dumb shit that kills maybe a dozen people. This is a great thing. Terrorist organizations who DO have the money/motivation/logistics to pull this stuff off are usually busy planning it, getting caught, or engaging in regional conflict. Our CIA is pretty good at stopping crazy plots, most of which they hide from the public.

But I too ponder this same question. I have ideas that are so destructive that I will never type them down in fear of some cunt doing it. The only good thing that comes from the NSA is stopping terrorism plots.

One of my funner ideas is flying a drone with like a lubed up dildo attached to it. I'd fly it into high crime areas and terrorize gang members with it for the epic lulz.
People that commit crime are usually very stupid. People that are smart generally don't see a reason for committing crime.
Literally all "terrorism" is committed by state intelligence agencies, mainly Mossad, as a means of justifying the subsequent legal changes &/or military activities which follow the 'terrorism'
terrorism is a meme and anyone smart enough to construct a bomb with timed detonators will also be smart enough to know blowing up random shit won't accomplish anything.
>Unguided kinetic gravitational weapon
>Surface area of the USA: 9.8267E+12 m^2
Even goat fuckers can work out the odds on that.
>Are most of them just stupid? Or are the plots not really as feasible as I think they are?
Unless you've got some way, way better ideas than what you just described, yes. Real life isn't a Looney Tunes episode.
I know what can be done with mylar balloons and fishing line but Im not telling.
You're not the first to think of that. In fact using machine guns as indirect fire weapons has gotten some airtime in Ukraine in the past 3 years. It's not easy though, you have to be able to precisely calculate the trajectory of the bullets, knowing their exact weight, the amount and type of propellant in the cartridges, etc., and that's before you even get into windage and all that. It'll help a lot if you have a drone to spot for you (this is why people only just started doing it when machine guns have existed for over a century), but if you have one you may have better luck just strapping a bomb to it (again, like in Ukraine).
Terrorists are not stupid, but the large majority are not classical rational agents. The point isn't actually to terrorise, or efficiently call for change, that's misleading. For most terrorists, it's about getting infamy, expressing grievances, and identity building. Terrorist groups, in part, exist to sell a brand/identity.

>Are people just good?
No, it's just that such people are intelligent, and rational enough, that any stable system largely incorporates them in its machinery.
>any stable system largely incorporates them in its machinery.
It just so happens to be that way or could it possible be that people find the cost/benefit and risk/reward ratio still good enough to sell their time as a cog in the machine compared to alternatives? You know incentives are carefully fine-tined by powers that be...
>thinking nobody has ever done this
Yes, social systems both/either increase benefits for participating, and/or increase costs for abstaining, or rebelling.
>I have ideas that are so destructive that I will never type them down in fear of some cunt doing it.
same here
I could have made a career as the McGuyer of crime lol
>NSA is stopping terrorism plots
imagine actually believing this bullshit
Terrorism is much harder today than it has ever been. Theres too much electronic surveillance, people google everything and then ythey carry cell phones that track them, their cars too, pay with credit cards for everything.
That norwegian guy had to buy a real farm and farm for some years just to get fertilizer. So whatever you are planning, you need to be a super normie for a few years, say 7 years, just to be sure no one is suspecting/tracking you. For that time, stop googling dangerous things, stop posting on 4chan, just be a facebook boomer.
Almost no one does this kind of stuff, 99% of terrorism is planned and funded by governments. See the syrian civil war, every army was funded by USA/Israel/Turkey/Qatar/Saudi and the syrians were just russians and iranians.
How else are you just going to feed and arm thousands of fighters?
Only way you can have an army without foreign funding, is by selling drugs like the colombian insurgents do, or like the syrians did for pocket change.
Did Fidel Castro have foreign backing during his war? I thought he just captured weapons and money, he would attack some barracks and get wealthy with all the loot. Best way to go
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Anon terrorism is all false flags done by glowniggers. Almost none of it is organic and when it is it's stuff like a CEO getting shot which is good anyway.

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