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I don't want some vague "invent better medicine lol"
There is clearly some specific practice or substance that does the lions' share of the work, because it happened in national waves everywhere from the 1880s in the UK to the 1970s in Cambodia - one generation just lives with half of all babies dying the way their ancestors always did for millennia and the next generation sees the tragedy virtually eradicated overnight.
hygeine and sanitation
>1970s in Cambodia
This will forever be a mystery, OP. Don't worry your pretty little head over it.
Education, hygiene, solidarity
>hygeine and sanitation
What types of filth kill babies?
I would assume cholera was prevalent in urban zones like London and downstream because everyone was shitting in the water thanks to TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENT of toilets and sewers. In rural places where people tossed their shit into a random field there wasnt pollution of the water. Unless it was dowstream from a city.
It's not like studies don't exist on this subject. It's basically just having access to food, education, healthcare and systems that support these things, for instance being able to afford said food or healthcare or culture of giving birth in a hospital and living vs doing it at home and dying.
total doctor death
How does an education in genderqueer dance therapy prevent infant mortality?
Literally washing hands
my grandpas brother died of cold or hunger or disease idk
I don't think Africans deserved that kind of help.
wrong, its antibiotics
OP here, I just want to be clear that as naive as it may sound to you my question is in good faith curiosity and this dickhead
isn't me
what did babies die from before antibiotics and why just babies
Why not teenagers and shit, everyone gets sick
Pretty much all types of filth kills babies. Thats why you have to be so careful, or half of them die.
>this dickhead
>>>16538203 #
>>>16537548 #
>isn't me
nobody cares, faggot. Welcome to anonymous imageboards

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