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Recommendations for a concise mathematical logic textbook?
I don't really understand the appeal of concise books. I don't know if I know anyone whose bottleneck when studying math is reading speed rather than comprehension.
By definition a text is concise if it clearly delivers a large volume of information in fewest possible words. The appeal should be obvious – a concise text is an efficient way to convey information.
I see why you bring that up though. Obviously a concise book maybe isn’t necessary for someone learning something for the first time. In my case, I already studied this material a few years ago and forgot it. For me, a concise text would be effective because it would refresh my memory of the subject matter without wasting too much of my time.
>Recommendations for a concise mathematical logic textbook?
A Primer for Logic and Proof - Holly P. Hirst and Jeffry L. Hirst
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This website recommends picrel.

Not concise but I like Peter Smith's books - both the logic one and on godel's thereoms.

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