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so, i was thinking about when something go to our universe. It has some energy, so when it enters in our universe, our universe increases the internal energy. So, i want you to think the scenario: something lives in another universe, called "another place". It passes to an "membrane", and some of the internal energy of this thing is lost when he passes the membrane. After he passes the membrane, he goes to our universe. The thing is: with more membrane tickening, more energy is lost. If this thing has, for example, 50 of energy, and this membrane has 50% of tickening, so the thing will have 25 of energy in our universe. "where the rest of the energy go", you may be asking yourself. This 25 of energy that was lost, that dont goes to our universe, just go to the membrane.
i was trying to relate this to calculus. And, another thing, lets call "V" the approximation of our universe to the universe called "other side". This V is inversely proportional to the thickening (so, with more thickening, less V, less approximation of the universes). This thickening can be measured with percentage with the letter k, where an membrane that are ABSOLUTELY thick will have 100% of thickening (k=100%), and an membrane that are ABSOLUTELY thin will have 0% of thickening (k=0%). With that, i was trying to relate the k with the V, remembering that with less thickening k and V increases.
Do you guys have any idea?
I actually read this, and I have no idea what "approximation of our universe" or "thickening" are, but it sounds like your equation would just be

V = a/k

Where a is some experimentally determined constant and k is some value between 0 and 1.
Perhaps if you draw a picture it will make more sense to us.
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this reminds me of Paul LaViolettes' Sub-quantum Kinetics theory. He posits (highfalutin egg-head term) a transmuting Ether of super-dimensions where from and where to subquanta reside and emerge . We occupy the material phase of this creative process, an open system where according to the laws of the subqantum transmuting ether subquatum particles assemble creating gravity wells when sufficient mass is reached and they enter this phase as matter (atoms) when atoms have spent their energy they are attracted to what have been called "Black Holes" (not negro street walkers) and they are shunted over to the Ether where they eventually reassemble and emerge. I suggest it is through Stars which are like arc point emitters of fresh atomic particles and are taken up over time as matter. The force of their transit to us is so great their own energy is not expended in the process but it is the force of the gravity well in the ether field what we see in stars is them being thrust from the other side.
try to imagine an thing, lets call it a monster, going to our universe. This monster may have some energy, and this will increases the quantity of energy that our universe has. So, if our universe has x energy, an monster enter and it will now be x+10, for example. So, lets imagine this 2 universes with an hallway between them. To this monster go to our universe, he MUST pass to this hallway. And with this, we have some concepts.
approximation: imagining this hallway (the membrane), you can see that if this hallway is bigger, so this 2 rooms (that is our universes) will have less approximation. If this hallway is TOO small, this 2 rooms will have A LOT of approximation. So, if this is clear, lets to the next concept
thickening: when this monster passes to this membrane, some of his energy is lost. If he has 50 of energy, and this membrane has 50% of thickening, now he will have 25 of energy in OUR universe. So you can see that an more LARGER membrane will makes he has 10, and not 25. The thing is, with more thickening, less energy the monster will have after he pass to the membrane. Try see that as efficiency in thermodinamics. with 100% of efficiency, the monster dont lose any of his energy going to our universe. We will call this efficiency as k, and it is an %
The fact is, our universe gains 25 of energy, his universe loses 50 of energy. The rest of the energy goes to the membrane, so it gains 25 of energy too.
The goal is relate the k and the approximation, knowing that with more approximation, less thickening the membrane will be, and more "k" it will have (more close to 100%)
i dont know if it is good to understand, but it will be a lot of help anyway, with any ideas of how to do that
I really need you to draw a picture.
He is basically theorizing the existence of some kind of friction in a fictional scenario in which the universe as a whole can pass energy to other universes.
I want to see his drawing, Anon, seeing as how it now contains a hallway and a monster with hit points.
Please play along.
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i think now this will be more comprehensible. The red ball has x of energy, and the membrane has 40% of efficiency. So, in our universe, he will have 2x/5 of energy (because it is 40% of x). The thing is, this "40%" is relate to how much of approximation our universe has to his universe, and also is relate with the thickening of the membrane, both i explain in my last text that i sent. I cant explain it here, because the text would be too large. I tried my best to do the drawning well, and anything would help me, i just cant find a way to use calculus in this thing to relate the "40%" and the approximation of our universe (V)
Do you think this actually makes any sense or means anything?
I am extremely disappointed that the multiverse spanning monster has been reduced to a red circle.
No imagination whatsoever.

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