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I haven't done any sort of math since high school (8 years ago) and have just enrolled in uni calc 1. What am I in for?
Calculus is piss easy. University calculus? The most refined mindfuck government funded academia can figure
Calculus? Piss easy. Analysis? The standard filter course for math undergrads.
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It honestly depends. If you have a good grip on your fundamentals like algebra, trig, and precal then calulus really isn't that bad. But like anything it takes practice. Unfortunately, a majority of people in this country have not been properly taught their fundamentals and so it appears impossible. If you practice you'll be okay!
>University calculus? The most refined mindfuck government funded academia can figure
are you trying to say it's hard or easy? (because I found it pretty hard)
This. Review your algrebra, trig, logarithms and exponentials. If you are comfortable there, it should be pretty easy.
Go to lectures, read the text, do the homework.
Good luck.
Monkey see monkey do tier
But you need to have solid fundamentals
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Georgia Tech requires all undergrads, including athletes, to pass Calculus. Are you smarter than pic related?
all that means is that Georgia Tech’s calculus course is garbage
it's just algebra with a new thing call a "limit", which just takes things to infinity rigorously.
not too bad desu just be prepared to not understand why everything works until analysis
This isn't Reddit.
>Considering how many fools can calculate, it is surprising that it should be thought either a difficult or a tedious task for any other fool to learn how to master the same tricks.
>Some calculus-tricks are quite easy. Some are enormously difficult. The fools who write the textbooks of advanced mathematics - and they are mostly clever fools - seldom take the trouble to show you how easy the easy calculations are. On the contrary, they seem to desire to impress you with their tremendous cleverness by going about it in the most difficult way.
>Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can.
>calculus made easy
Any calc book that doesn't cover calc 2.
calc 2 isn't even hard, it's just tedious
"Back in the day" we had calc for math majors, calc for stem, and business calculus tracks. I would assume picrel took business calculus with extensive tutoring.
Business calculus terminated at graph interpretation, brutal as that sounds. Its kind of useful to understand that the slop of a function can be another function, or that a function can be turned into area-under-a-function. It wasn't how to do calc, or how calc works, it was why you'd ask a STEM minion employee to use calc.
STEM-calc terminated at diffeqs, enough to pass your EE classes without being overly brutalized by Maxwells Equations. We did have to suffer thru linear algebra (Hi Professor Strang, yes I am old by 4chan standards and that the time his books dominated the educational field, maybe still do, donno). This was traditional "how to use calc" classes.
Calc for math majors didn't go as deep (you'll have an entire class later on linear algebra, diffeqs, etc) but it went deep, you're going to be creating proofs in midterm exams. This was "how does calculus work?" level of study.
>have just enrolled in uni calc 1
A quarter century ago, your advisor would be calling you very angry to tell you your registration has been cancelled and you need to follow the procedure.
I went to a couple schools for undergrad (long story) and all of them had some variation of different calc tracks per major AND pre-testing before you're permitted to sign up to see if you need to take remedial math or precalc or jump right into calc.
I had an exception where my ACT math section was high enough to skip all that pretesting nonsense.
I worked with a college athlete back in undergrad (he was a grad) in a physical chemistry lab. He told me that often other people did homework for him. Dude was a complete retard but nice.
Sounds like you missed a lucrative opportunity.
Calc 1 seems hard until you take calc 2, then you wonder why you thought calc 1 was hard. Calc 2 seems hard until you take calc 3, then you wonder why you thought calc 2 was hard. Calc 3 seems hard until you take your first advanced stem courses, then you go on /sci/ and tell OP how easy calculus is.
dont listen to these midwits
take this

if you can get at least 12ss scaled it should be fine
Everything depends on the professor and department rules
i dont know if this is for me then
im failing calc 1 and it all seems logical and pretty straightforward but all the fucking lecturer does is explain something very simple for 20 minutes and then fuck around with some war crime of a problem for 2 hours and then gives us 15 rocket science problems to memorize every week and there's 0 resources provided or even answers a lot of the time
i sincerely doubt anyone actually gives a fuck about lectures it's ridiculous
something like 10% of the students actually graduate
i didnt put in almost any work but im not sure if i should waste another YEAR just to fail again
Lol, are you student in Germany? This eerily sounds like my experience at TU Berlin as an exchange student.
i got 16 and I'm >>16540838
maybe i could do better but im sleepy
poland so probably not too far off
idk i'm pretty fucking devastated im probably going to find some minimum wage job until i can try again in november
linear algebra? fine, logic? excellent but calc is fucking insane
maybe i should try a different uni idk too bad i didnt make any friends so i could ask how other people felt about it
Calculus itself is easy but freshman university courses are designed to be stupidly hard for some reason
Weird. You must be lying that’s a quantitative reasoning test you should be acing that shit assuming your fluid (PRI) is 100-110 max given rarity of each sub test. Lying ass
Rest of your PRI perceptual reasoning index which it isn’t it’s probably 95 lmao
Derivative and integrals (basically the most important things) are easy to do once you did enough practice, the problem (at least, was for me) is remembering proofs and theorems
idk i get 125-135 on every iq test ive done
it seemed pretty easy im just very slow because i fried my brain i could probably do much better if i had a sheet of paper or more time
i have a thing where if i try to think for more than like 3 seconds my thoughts just go blank and i had to go over things like 5 times because i just kept forgetting what i was thinking about
i used to be such a smart kid but ive become a subhuman i cant do anything my brain is rotten i have brain parasites
also consider the fact that ive done 0 hours of studying
i took a screenshot because i thought the test was clever and i wantes to see where it came from
If you’re a retard it’ll be hard. Really though calc 2 is the great filter for some reason. Just khan academy and you’ll be fine though.
It's pretty easy, you'll want to spend a couple weeks reviewing hs level math before the class. Math doesn't get hard until late undergrad/early grad level
What are you referring to in particular?
Topology, measure theory, numerical analysis

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