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How the hell is this possible? What are dolphin fins made of? What are their embriological origin? Anyone has histology cuts of one?
>What are dolphin fins made of?
Cartilage. You know, you can Google shit like this, right?
>How the hell is this possible?
what you retard?
>/sci/ pretending to be retarded for the lulz
>implying google will give any results other than a shitty dolphin drawing
you're not allowed to know because it would prove dolphins came from birds
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Lamarckist fallacy. Convergent evolution only proves having a dorsal fin works well.

HOW is it possible in the first place to have the potential to grow such an odd thing in your back? The dolphin's dorsal fin is not an overgrown vertebra which would be the more intuitive way to imagine it. No, one day an embryo decided to clump more cells in this specific segment, not any others, it clumped so many in there it grew away from the body like a sword of sorts.

This is why I ask for embriological origin, how do we recognize if any other animal has the potential to develop a dorsal fin there, what is the process that allows for such particular growth?
"you know you can just google it, right?"
we're going to hell
And there's an elaborate conspiracy that faked and planted the fossils of early cetaceans and the dog-like land mammals that evolved into them?
You best be trollin'
because evolution is fake and this is a simulation
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>he doesn't know humans came from birds too
>Convergent evolution only proves having a dorsal fin works well.
who said otherwise?

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