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File: arcticblast.jpg (109 KB, 992x540)
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So what's the fastest way to not having absolutely retarded miserable winters anymore? Would fixing it be faster or is the best way out to just go through and destroy polar ice to the point of not being able to do this anymore?
>-5 degrees is "record cold" in the US
tutorial country
Your post added nothing of value.
>he doesn't like winter
What the fuck are you doing north of the tropics?
>Your post added nothing of value.
What is the fastest way to convince a moron that nothing in this thread ever had value in the first place?
I'm in northern Florida. I've just been here my whole life, up until the last 3-4 years we really haven't had to deal with a lot of this shit
>complains about the cold
>it isn't even fucking cold
It's cold for here.
restore the jet stream
That's what I'm asking, Would it be easier to restore it or just melt all the polar ice and stop there from being any cold air to start with
I like the swedish attitude of 'there is no bad weather just bad clothes'.
It's literally that easy. Just wear proper cold weather kit.
Correction, record cold in the southern US. I live in the purple area on that map and we get about two weeks around zero degrees every winter like clockwork. Its pretty boring. We have MANY more weeks that are too hot to go outside than are too cold to go outside so any changes made might ironically make things worse.
Also, get better hobbies. This is prime ice fishing weather and there is no better experience than a bottle of whiskey and a cold windless afternoon around 0F and half a dozen of your friends "going fishing" but really just hanging out and getting drunk.
move somewhere warmer

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