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What are some good crackpot papers, the kind that make you wish you had some of what the author was smoking.
There are none. They're all the fucking same. It's like crackpots form a hivemind. Here's a sketch of a crackpot paper.

Theory of Everything and More
by Crackpot Looneyson
MSc Mechanical Enigneering

In this paper, we describe everything and more. Everyone except me is wrong. ESPECIALLY Einsteen and Heissenberg. They were wrong about everything. We give our own theory of everything and provide predictions for the Big Bang and the black hole singularities.

As is well-known, every wave propagates through a medium. Light propagates through a medium called the aether. This was confirmed by the Michelson-Morley experiment. *insert fallacious interpretation of the MM experiment with undergrad-tier mistakes*. The Heissenberg uncertainty principle states that things don't have a definite position, but then a medium can't exist. This is obviously wrong.

In this paper, we propose that the quantum space is actually the aether. We modify the Shrodinger equation to account for this.

The Theory of Everything
We propose the modified Shrodinger-Looneyson equation
H|psi> = (d/dt + A) |psi>
where A is a term called the Looneyson term. This term has all the properties my august mind has conjured up that every physicist somehow missed. It solves everything.

Clearly, the Looneyson term introduces additional loops at the edges of singularities that disentangle the quantum foam of spacetime to produce a consistent structure of the aether. This structure creates vacuum bubbles that percolate in the form of particles. Obviously, every particle known is a consequence of this percolation. The Higgs mechanism can be thought of as a percolation bubble getting entangled by an extradimensional loop. This also obviously means that no Hawking radiation exists. Light is a ray emitted by percolation bubbles that interacts with the aether through vacuum loops. I would like to thank me, myself and my patient wife for all the fruitful discussions.
ok but there's gotta be some papers that are atleast funny or profoundly weird, not just in physics, any field
Weinstein's Geometric Unity is pretty funny.
It's as much kvetching as it is crackpottery.
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>gerbil survives longer on meth and dopamine agonists
crackpot lectures just hit better

So far no schizo core paper. Schizo can't be a part of any institution and the review system specifically targets jumping to conclusion. There are some fun posting on arxiv that is pure fun such as frisbee aerodynamics.
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I'm not sure if you would count these since they're not 'typical academic papers', but I'm quite sure they at least qualify for sounding 'crackpot' to most people(even though they're not time-traveling, interdimensional zenoaliens from an alternate universe lvl of schizo).

>contains mature content pertaining to controlled substances
this might not necessarily be 'crackpot', as in delusionally incomprehensible, but this one is:
>wish you had some of what the author was smoking.
the post, lol

this one might be less qualified for academic papers criteria, and isn't as
>wish I was smoking what that poster was smoking
,but I think it's at least more 'crackpot'-worthy with a 'bold-claims-no-evidence schizo-take' on an alternative historical recontextualization regarding the Cali goldrush a couple hundred years ago.

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