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I have some secrets for you PLEBS who don't understand the universe

>Ether exists, not a "preferred frame" of reference but a medium that produces relativity as an emergent property

>Ether is always trying to return to equilibrium, all 4 forces arise from that

>Time dilation is just means it takes more energy to return you to equilibrium, waves propagate slower

>Length contraction is just ether resistance at high speeds

>Big bang wasn't the creation, it was just a disturbance that has propagated. IE things outside observable universe

>Relativistic mass is just extra ether distortion when moving fast or spinning (aka frame dragging, magnetism are the same thing) no different from normal mass

>“Spin” is simply the shape of the disturbance in the ether

>"Electrons" are literally just semi-stable energy propagations in the ether, kek

>"Quarks" are just non-stable shapes that make up larger stable shapes (protons, neutrons)

>Dark Matter is just gravitational hotspots created from interference between wave patterns in non-spherical systems (galaxies, clusters)

>Gravity is 1/r in equilibrium (2 star system), 1/r^2 in most places and higher than that in hyper clustered areas

>Protons are just high density compression, electrons rarified intensity

You are all retarded bow to me
thank you doctor
Cool reddit spacing, I didn't read it.
Some crank has already though of this, you won't be able to formalize it and it's unnecessary since the whole point of the ether is providing a preferred reference frame.

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