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What would happen to me if I got an ear infection and antibiotics didn’t exist?
Would I simply be expected to die?
Hopefully your body's immune system would kick in and get rid of the infection before it caused any permanent damage to your hearing or worse.
What year are you roleplaying? 1900, 1649, 10? We need more context to answer your question.
In the current day. Would I die from not treating an ear infection?
If a baby can survive it, so can you
Though it might damage your hearing
What country? The more context you provide, the better answer we can provide to your question.
no antibiotics
>not treating infection
Why are you assuming that an ear infection can only be treated with antibiotics?
>Why are you assuming that an ear infection can only be treated with antibiotics?
Because I tried everything else that people suggested and none of it worked, so now I’m being a good goy and doing as doctor says.
Do you need his bank account and password as well?
No. That won't provide any context to the type of medical treatments available to him.
Your story has changed three times already.
How about we start over from the beginning and you fully explain the situation this time?
Brain is almost certain to go with enough time.
Phage therapy, gg

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