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How harmful are tattoos?
Visually unappealing, has infection risks (as with many activities in daily life) but otherwise not harmful
>heartbeat line turns into a heart
I see this decal on cars all the time. What does it mean?
As harmful as spray painting a tag on a priceless painting, for the same reasons.
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Tattoos have healing magic. Didn’t work out for this guy.
They're very harmful socially, in some circles.
Probably just a common design.
probably some stress on the immune system depending on size and how many
Full of carcinogens. Both literally and figuratively.
Why the fuck would you get a tattoo of being the peasant grunt worker of the health field?
Tattoos are a symptom of mental illness and r-selection.

It's a nurse. They're not priceless. They're the lawn guys of medicine.
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having some stress on the immune system is actually good it trains it to be stronger
The only harm is to your reputation, because everybody will know at a glance that you're a retard.
Not very unless it's prison scratcher levels of quality. A good artist does a lot to keep a clean workspace.
>How to distract children in the mutilation chamber
Very informative, thank you
Onset of ventricular fibrillation.
Never do eye tattoos, they'll leave you blind or worse
Tattoo ink accumulates in lymph nodes as I recall. As with most synthetic dyes, the ink contains PAH's which are carcinogenic.

But tatooism is more a symptom of a sick and weak mind. The "I just gotta follow that trend kind of malaise." FOMO in the extreme.

Fun fact: something like 40% of women have tattoos but only 28% of men. Weak minds, as I said.

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