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So this thing is just a hoax right?
You really expect me to believe this very convenient explanation that there was just a big explosion that created everything?
>there was just a big explosion that created everything?
No one ever said that thougheverbeit, the universe was hot and dense, it expanded, we don't know if it was created shortly before or not
The big bang theory does not attempt to explain where the singularity came from or answer questions like "why does something exist instead of nothing" etc.
All it says is that because the universe is expanding, it must have started from a hotter and denser state.
It's like if you have a video of a balloon inflating and expanding, and you play it backwards and see it shrinking, you can conclude that it must have started from a small non-inflated balloon. It doesn't try to explain where the balloon came from
Conventional physics was just rewound until the Plank time, 10-43 seconds after a purported origin event, at which our understanding book physics breaks down. Nobody actually knows what happened before the Plank time.
It’s random
>we don't know if it was created shortly before or not
You just said it was hot and dense, how can something that hasn't yet even been created be hot and dense?
yes retard it's just a hoax now fuck off to pol
Nothing wrong with crossposting, we will fuck off when we have to fuck off after they delete this board to confirm science was just a hoax like you claim.
As they discovered movement they knew less position and when they measured it all they found only place
The BBT is a hoax made up by two priests that has been perpetuated by midwit grifters ever since. Low IQ astronomers use arguments like your sarcasm, which is an appeal to consensus and authority actually. The higher IQ but still midwit physicists are more adept at their fraud and simply add dark constants to and revise their model when evidence contradicts their crypto creationism. Even Einstein rejected BBT for the longest time because anyone with a brain intuits it's wrong.

Here's the deal. Most people want a marvel tier reality. They NEED a beginning. They need a story. They need good guys and bad guys. That's why 99% of people, atheists and religious alike, LOVE the big bang. It's le heckin quirk and wholesome.

The reason redditors like you get so defensive is because deep down you're religious brained yourself. The acceptance of LGBTQ among atheists is 96%, proving even those who reject religion are in fact religious by these moral affirmations AND the need for a heckin origin story.
>hot and dense
just like my ex
Notice that your post contains zero physics and just descriptions of your own religious dogma.
>The acceptance of LGBTQ among atheists is 96%,
What is the alternative to accepting that LGBTO exists, gays don't actually exist, nobody actually wants to bum each other, fags just pretend it happens to be contrarian?
It could've always existed, why people assume stuff has to be created? Have you ever seen something being created? As far as we can tell nothing has ever been created or destroyed, therefore it has always been.
>It could've always existed, why people assume stuff has to be created?
If you know the universe always existed, then you can't say you don't know if it was created just before or just after the big bang since you know it had to have come some infinite indeterminable amount of time before the big bang.

>Have you ever seen something being created?
Yes, I created this post and watched it get posted.

>As far as we can tell nothing has ever been created or destroyed, therefore it has always been.
Except of course this post, the computers we are posting from and the internet itself that we all know for a fact were created by people for people to create an easier means of communication than existed before the internet.
We are all wasting out time, the Buddha and Plato were both right. we need to build civilization (Plato's idea) to reach enlightenment (Buddha's idea). both are monist frameworks.
everything in civilization must be utilized for enlightenment and nothing else.
This, there is no universe, no concepts, no truths apart from the feeling of it. Only Brahman, but paradoxically even that is a concept. One has to realize that and then negate the whole thing altogether.
>If you know the universe always existed
I don't know, its an assumption one can make
>I created this post
You are mentally challenged or trolling, probably both
>this very convenient explanation that there was just a big explosion
convenient compared to what?
maybe you meant to say "simple" or "elegant"?
in that case, it's an elegant idea because it is just a mental model, not something that exists in physical reality that we can causally interact with
>just eat bark and turn into mummies once the people with copper feelings build everything.
That's nice sweetheart. I'll be busy making Dyson swarms.

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