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does cold actually increase lifespan (or at least slows down death)?
Will living and adapting to colder environment help with maintaining a resistance to cold, which will have cryogenic effects and help with aging? Greenland sharks are known to live up to hundred of years, is it because of adapting to the freezing climate? So if I start living in iceland, and stay in the cold water for a longer periods of time freezing my balls, without causing hypothermia, will the actual resistance build over time, minimazing aging and actually help living longer?
>maintaining a resistance to cold
Armchair philosophy is not science. Science is you trying to live in a poorly isolated unheated home in the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere. Report whether you get used to it. Protip: you won't get used to it and you will have no physical or mental energy to do anything productive because all your resources go to surviving the cold.
>Greenland sharks are known to live up to hundred of years
Sharks are cold-blooded. Humans are warm-blooded and can't hibernate. It doesn't matter what environment you will live in, your body will have to maintain the same temperature to function properly regardless.
B.S. Not OP, I got adjusted to cold accidentally on a trip. When I got back, I thought the weather was 35-40 C when the thermometer read 15. It's real.
You only out yourself as the kind of bitch to wear a jumper on a summer morning.
Living in the cold basically just has upsides and downsides.
Cold slows things down. Slows everything in your body down. On the one hand yeah that means it slows down the rate of everything that's causing you to age. Cold reduces inflammation just like an ice pack does for swelling. On the other hand it slows down important things protecting you too like your immune system.
The way humans adapt to cold in the short term (i.e. all the time they've existed) is just by wearing warmer clothes and building warmer buildings. You're not suddenly going to adapt to the cold like the Greenland Shark. Not without you know like millions of years of evolution and probably sacrificing all your other better adaptions anyway. To do what sit in sub zero water by yourself doing nothing.
colder environments are associated with lower pollution, lower population density, more active lifestyles

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