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File: b2jjemdeq6ly.jpg (59 KB, 960x708)
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Just started new job as postdoc. What am I in for? And yes, I work in my PI's lab with grad students and undergrads (I won the money that employs me with my PI)
>Just started new job as postdoc.
Post proof.
is there any money in nuero research?
It greatly depends on your supervisor, lab, institution etc. Hopefully you're in for a good time!
expect to do your professor’s job while they sit on their august tenured ass
If your PI is cool it's the best job in the world.
writing grant proposals
doing research and writing it up
helping grads with their research
ugrads should be sent to the grads or the prof if they wanted to deal with that bullshit
Why do you want to be a postdoc? I was in academia for a long time until I accepted I was only doing it because I was afraid if I left I could never come back, and now I know I would never even want to go back anyway
you will realize how retarded grad students are
you will also realize that you will be poor forever
it'll be okay though since you'll get to talk with people who are autistic about the same niche topic as you are, it's a comfy live for a certain type of person

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