Most of you can barely do calculus. What are you even doing here?
>>16540881That’s a good question. The vaccine boomers seem to be gone. There are noticeably less genuine schizos than before. But this board is still somehow composed of 95% of retards who ruin every thread with disgustingly low IQ takes and politics.
i like to pretend
>>16540881Not doing calculus, that's for sure.
>>16540881Can you op? Solve:[eqn]y''' - x^2 y'' + e^x y' + \sin(x^2) y = \ln(x) + \cos(x)[/eqn]
>>16540881I'm here for compass and straight edge geometry and novel ways it can be used to understand and visualize other mathematics
>>16540905>novelYou’re a tad bit too late, anon. I suggest Algebra by Artin. I think it covers constructible numbers if I remember right.
>>16540909Wildberger uses such an approach to geometry as I have mentioned, it is the present day and present time anon and you still somehow late
>>16540881I learned about this place after Matt Parker made a video about how 4chan solved an unsolved theorem and I've been stuck here since
>>16540915What are some of the novel uses that you can enlighten upon me?
I have a degree in civil engineering. I had to pass calculus. I can probably get some junkie off the street to do my job.
>>16540881I'm a larping faggot.Still, do I know more than the layman?Probably. But it isn't much.
>>16540897Lmfao same
>>16540881I have calc1 and 2
>>16540881stop asking questions tranny
>>16540881>Most of you can barely do calculus. What are you even doing here?Listening to ad-hominem fallacies.
>>16540881Why are you using the pepe with tracking bars close to the eye?
>>16540881>What are you even doing hereLaughing at people too retarded to pass a basic math class
>>16540902A solution exists.Yes, I do have a PhD, how could you tell?
>>16540881i liek mudkipz
Idk I just like to board hop looking for neat threads, although I am a mathematics major. I guess I just want to get an idea of what I can do with a mathematics BA
>>16540881I don't need to explain myself to you
>>16540881You can't even fix your car. Can you even change the oil by yourself? What are you even doing driving?>inb4 op is a yuropoor who only rides trains
I mostly just troll.Anyone who thinks this site is for anything else is the king of newfags.
>>16540881All applications of calculus are situational and govern by the aspects of the problem itself. Doing abstract Calculus is like memorizing chess plays but real life has infinitely more complex rules than chess. Calculus is actually overrated, ask any engineer and they'll tell to you to bypass as much calculus as possible using reason
>>16540881appeal to purity
>>16540881Geoscience doesn't require calculus.
>>16540881I have every right to become smarter and I will stop at nothing till I die because nothing else is worth chasing after.
>>16540905>Compass and straightedge>NovelAre you retarded?
>>16540881I have a publication in alg topology in a good journal and wrote a self directed paper published on arxiv. I also am a math Ph.D student.
>>16546222how do i get good at math
>>16546224It's literally just perseverance. I've had many peers better at math than me but they can't conduct research to save their lives. I think it's mostly because learning math came so easy to them they mentally break when they have to actually struggle to do research. My only advice is keep going. Also, having support systems in terms of family or loved ones helps immensely.
>>16546226well i have neither so i'll just give it up
>>16540902You haven’t lived until you’ve studied ODE in the unifying picture of Lie theory.
>>16546222What are some active research/research subfields in Algebraic Topology?
>>16540881i want to learn interesting stuff about the world and at least try to understand it. I'm not hurting anybody, leave me be :(
>>16540881>What are you even doing here?Trolling, what else?
>>16546226>having support systems in terms of family or loved ones helps're gonna cry to mommy at multiple points in your undergraduate studies >>16546224
>>16548380i actually applied myself and this shit is easy as fuck i am so fucking retarded it's literally high school math i'm still probably failing the semester what should i do in my next attempt to have a chance to go to a prestigious uni for masters somewhere in europe?
>>16540881may get a chance to learn something interesting
/sci/ mods should make the capatcha an integralfight me
>>16548424LamdbaplusJS (an imageboard on Tor/I2P/Yggrasil), which has a dedicated /math/ and /tech/ board, actually implemented a captcha, which is hard enough to make retards fuck off. It's not even math or logic, just basic pattern recognition, but it's enough to work.
>>16540881I'm here to have inane arguments about biology and chemistry to memorize them better for my entry exams in 4 months, it's very effective for retaining information. Now which one of you fucking retards wants to argue about DNA replication?
>>16548424Hmm, I'd say not an integral (because that's easily solvable on wolfram alpha if it's too easy). Maybe those simple congruence puzzles, like "what's the last three digits of 1039495^290494"
>>16540881Bros I'm in my 30's going back to school and doing calculus for the first time.Tell me it's going to be okay.
>>16540893>But this board is still somehow composed of 95% of retards who ruin every thread with disgustingly low IQ takes and politics.By design likely its a strategy to fill it with nonesence so anons move to more monetizable and more moderated parts of the net
>>16540893>Schizo posterGood morning Saar
>>16546224There are two primary skills required to be "good" at math: being able to process equations by following the rules and understanding what the equations actually mean. You would be amazed how many people are good at solving equations who don't actually understand what the equation actually means.
>>16548899Honestly I think it depends a lot on how math is taught. In general, its application in physics really helps in developing intuition
>>16548732Make the thread, would be better than most of the catalog
>>16540881seeing finitists be retarded (but i repeat myself) just to feel something
I'm dumb and uneducated but i've decided that if i'm gonna waste my time on 4chan, might as well learn some useful or interesting things while i'm at it.
>>16548424Are low IQs really that much of a problem?
>>16550940If you're really "dumb" as you say, you won't learn anything from here anyways. Why would lower quality discussion about topics you likely lack the educational background to even engage with have any educational value?Or do you just want to feel "smart" and read big words and be fascinated by terminology all day while in reality you're exerting zero mental effort and have no understanding of what you're looking at?
>>16554294Every 4chan board is composed of something like 99,99% of garbage and 0,01% of genuine gold the likes of which you just won't find anywhere else on the internet (information on obscure topics, genuinely intelligent and thought-provoking advice, etc.). The difference with /sci/ is that the quality of the "garbage" here is miles ahead of the true mindrot boards such as /v/, /pol/, etc. Even the low-quality discussion here is most of the times genuinely interesting instead of just being piles and piles of bait, propaganda and nonsense spouted by the dumbest retards you'll ever find. If i go on an hours long session of lurking on /sci/ i don't feel like my brain has been poisoned in the way it would be if i had spent that time on a fast board.I also have to admit that i lied about being dumb, although i am indeed uneducated. Although lacking the educational background for certain topics is not a big problem as i have an autistic obsession with googling everything i don't immediately understand.
>>16546226is being good at calc 1 and 2 any indication that i may be good if i were to study pure math? i fucked up by choosing electrical engineering but now im 2 years in and realised i actually like the math way more than anything irl but i feel like its too late.