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ITT thread we only discuss cellular senescence and not any other hallmark of aging, some major research needs are...
>a quantitative atlas of when and where senescent cells appear during normal aging;
>a quantitative atlas of when and where senescent cells are present during the development of the spectrum of age-related pathologies;
>a more intensive search for compounds that can either selectively kill senescent cells or
selectively modulate the SASP, the feasibility of which was recently demonstrated;
>more comprehensive knowledge about why senescent cells increase during aging and in
age-related disease, despite the ability of the immune system to eliminate them; and
>more comprehensive knowledge about when and where senescent cells are beneficial and
participate in tissue repair and regeneration.
>ITT thread
= "in this thread thread"
Senescence can be reprogrammed epigeneticlly with multiple methods now. Look into Apigenic Health.

Rentry not reentry
who tf should I follow to keep up with the updates in the field?

sinclair is a fucking hack that was exposed by brad stanfield which i've been following since, and there's this chick i discovered recently, anyone else worth watching?

Sinclair is not a hack. He’s on the cutting edge of research. He advanced the field more than anyone. The resveratrol he takes is obviously working. Brad Stanfield is a YouTube influencer. There’s no proof any particular drug works yet. For instance Brad stopped taking Apigenin years ago. He was so rigorous he ignores experimental research mechanisms and stays with regular advice.
Siim Land was top for Brian Johnson’s leaderboard at some point. People who were taking Novos supplements were at the top.

The main take is lowering inflammation, increasing immune function, avoiding stem cell depletion and epigenetic changes, and staying fit.
I don’t know if we have a solution.
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Is methylene blue overall decent for *preventing* cellular senescence?

>Siim Land was top for Brian Johnson’s leaderboard at some point
He's a freakin potato eater on barely any supplements, that was pretty much a fluke/miracle like that guy eating all the McDonalds.

>Novos supplements
what are these?
What went wrong?
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>“It’s the kind of thing in the longevity community that people are excited about,” he continued. “Outside the longevity community, it’s still kind of crazy, like [if you say], ‘Yeah, I take an immune-suppressing drug.’ [People react], ‘Like, that’s wacky and why would you ever do that?'”

What went wrong is too many longevity drug memes from le heckin mouse model, basically.

>u is not mice? stay away from rapamycin.
Explain to a brainlet what a 150 year old tortoise has that we do not. Or a 400 year old clam.
Rapa is a strong fasting mimic. It probably increased his cholesterol.It probably blunted his exercise adaptation. He might have not needed it. I don’t know how he was taking it. He’s already on other stuff which combined with Rapamycin probably didn’t work.
Is fisetin okay to take daily in that case?
Why do mice get to benefit from drugs and humans don't? Are they superior to us?
It’s a different drug. Rapamycin has more research. What are you taking this class of drug for?

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