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Why aren't we investing in virtually free energy?
The "free" part. Money gets invested in shit that's guaranteed to make money like NFTs or AI.
Fusion will never be a practical source of power on human scales
>inb4 b-b-but fusion bombs
don't make me laugh.
We are.
solar is gay
Every energy humans use is some kind of solar in the end.
>carbon credits are free if someone else pays for it
china already has working thorium reactors and free energy and many other patents are already declassified
Radioactive materials are the result of supernovae, which is not really solar. Geothermal is the result of gravitational potential energy from the formation of planets, and residual radioactive materials deep within the core.
A jew has to profit for the west to do something
>This is scientific fact because I say so
You're retarded
Energy cartels are not now nor were they ever about price reduction: They're about price fixing and market control.
You do not live in a free market.
Scarcity is necessary for the Oligarchy's power structure. This has never ever been a technical issue.
You're retarded
Silicon tech is extremely toxic to produce and dispose of and for every solar production line there are strip mines and toxic rivers.

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