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Are explosives and bombs a good way to deal with wild fires?
Nuke the wildfire
Generally no, there are rare cases like oil fires where a fuel rich explosion can deny oxygen to the fire and the fuel is well below it's auto-ignition tempriture but most of the time the fuel will be hot enough to reignite the instant fresh oxygen flows in.
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Multiple explosions are an option and here it seems to be spreading the fuel over a bigger area.
Dunno but we should nuke LA just in case it works.
you could use explosives to create a trench that would prevent the fire from spreading
Letting wildfires happen, simply not extinguishing them, letting nature run its course and letting plants regrow slowly, naturally, sparsely, is how you solve wildfires caused by unnatural overpopulation caused by human misunderstanding of things.
Everyone outside the california state government understands things perfectly fine.
post your brick house with timestamp
I live somewhere where it's not necessary to factor government incompetence into material selection for new home construction.
Yeah but then you have to tell guys with $20m mansions you are letting their house burn and they would be stupid to rebuild there. This is counter to our property rights based system.

>live in 3rd largest country on earth
>don't understand this means varied climate and vegetation in different areas
Yeah you seem like the type to believe Trump and his grifters.
Maybe you should build your $20m mansion to be less flammable than my 400k EUR house.
I didn’t know about this though.

How many times has your house survived when your fence and power poles burnt to the ground?
or other rare cases like leaf fires where a firecracker can extinguish the flame?
I'm guessing it was just small enough to be literally blown out, the only part of the fuel hot enough to burn was right at the flame front, remove the flame and it can't reignite.
Wildfires wouldn't be a problem if the government used its billion dollar spy satellites to observe forests instead of its own citizens.
Yes, a preemptive nuclear strike on California would destroy it's forests. Any future wild fires would be impossible.

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