In theory increasing your pattern matching ability shouldn't be that hard right? experiments show that a person can get good at a singular task after repetition, so that "IQ" was hardwired, but their general intelligence has remained the same.if you could induce controlled dementia (synapse pruning) combined with psychedelics on a brain that does nothing but solve problems for a period of time, plus the occasional stimulant. that should result in an increase of general ability.
induced brain damage sounds good
>>16544073>if you could induce controlled dementia (synapse pruning)What synapses would you want to hypothetically prune, if you even could?
>>16544087lots.anxiety and trauma are the first to go, then useless garbage wiring in general.
ChatGpt does this already
>>16544073>that should result in an increase of general ability.Or it may just result in permanent insanity instead, lol
OP is like the guy that invented lobotomy.
>>16544073Anti-psychotics + acid = ability?
>>16544073No for brain damage you need to physical attack the brainWith waves or blunt trauma, is just violent abuse no different from chemucal warfare
Men a forced typo You really fucked up
>>16545837No you don't for brain damage all you need is chemicals.
>>16545839Isn't that physical?Just asking don't physically attack my brain stanford
>>16545841I tough physically attacking brain related to classical mechanics.
>>16545842Because smell ain't physical?It is, research allergies
>>16545853Smell is more chemical than physical, as I stated physical damage is classical mechanics.
>>16545855I noticed how obtuse you are, do you understand perception at all for example tactil you know you have took the think for the synaptic neurons to react and send a physical signal that will physically reach the next neuron until reaching the somatosensors on the cerebellum
>>16545857TouchSorry pissed mod with a typo machine
>>16545857Depolarization of neurons are chemicals, and if you think it's electrical, I can tell you only that it's as electrical as bleach. There are fucking ions there, not electrical wires.
>>16545857Also consider PSTD being physical, because it's caused by physical thing, e.g. bullet you shoot kid with in Iraq.
>>16545860I think is chemicals I also think chemicals are physical external matter>>16545862The neurotransmitter loop causing anxiety is a physical thingYou can simply cut it physically
>>16545871It would be pretty hard to not cause collateral damage by cutting it physically, therefore it's psychological.
>>16545876Sob is this one of those stress testsStanford goons never learn you see that number on my post that is authority follow it
You can live with half your brain removed you will be a retard. You guys think trauma is a detriment, but evolutionarily speaking it is a feature. It protects you against bad stuff happening to you repeatedly. Its only society that is too shitty to be able to accomodate it.
>>16544087that circuit of the brain which reduces the reward signals produced by drugs. Each trip as powerful as the first.
>>16545915There are thousand of brain circles, but imho this is not one of them, that's upregulation of receptors, not specific circuit.
>>16545793Hone in your obsessiveness and channel it into a few things.
>>16544073IQ is rather trivially increased by just practicing progressive matrices. General intelligence largely is identical across all people and has *no* genetic marker. Everyone’s brain gets equally good at solving the world around them, some people just choose to waste their intelligence on trivial geometric patterns, math riddles, and logic puzzles instead of more important and difficult social and romantic questions.
>>16546803i leik puzle :)
>>16544073Synaptic connections is the popsci, first year undergrad understanding of general intelligence lvls, it turns out there is a lot more going on in the brain in parts of we used to think were rote.
>>16545793Picrel is a trauma response from emotional neglect/abuse in childhoodLearn to find sources of security in your life, and alternate between security and trying new things at a comfortable pace until you learn how to deal with all the conflicts and uncertainties in life
>>16544073You are incoherent, and yet somewhat interesting
>>16544073>>16545833Psychadelics are generally inhibitory, therefore you have no need to futher induce dementia. As is. Even crystal meth activates some inhibitions.
>>16546803Your statements are fine in terms of 'relatively', 'most', 'close enough', and does reasonably well at capturing the general theme
>>16544087>>16544094happened to me
>>16544073 nuts retard