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File: Clock.jpg (332 KB, 768x512)
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What is the current science of the biological clock? For example: how does the body know when it's time to trigger developmental mile stones like teeth and puberty? Is there research aimed at uncovering the fundamental principles of the biological clock or is understanding of the fundamental principles seen as a consequence of understanding the specifics of teeth, puberty, retardation, senescence, menstruation and such?
The topic is known as cell identity and identity is ultimately determined by epigenetic markers.
A 77 year old female, and an 88 year old male, are equally old.
Females age 8/7 times as quickly as males.
Which is why women are self-conscious about their age.
And that's why there's an anti-aging industry for women.
Or maybe because traditionally most of woman's worth hinged on her attractiveness and youthfulness so they're self-conscious about it
ditto for men and masculinity
aka fpbp
A male who gets a PhD, should get it no later than his 24th birthday.
And a female who gets a PhD, should get it no later than her 21st birthday.
an instinctive drive carried on for far too long? Strange how that same drive is leading to their demise as they try not to birth.

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