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Let me get this straight, you believe that through the emergent properties of natural selection that the human mind has managed to hardness quantum mechanics and that in turn, leads to consciousness and agency? This is mind blowing. At what point in the past did our ooga booga ancestors start making decisions based on projected probabilities of quarks rather than their genes and enviroment like every other species?
Language, duh.

Premise 1: We observe something without being able to explain it in a falsifiable way.
Premise 2: Retards will make up fantastic stories and misleading thought experiments about how it could work, which can't be dismissed because there are no falsifiable alternatives.
Conclusion: This thread.
Who believes that? Your friends in the schizophrenia containment ward?
50% of this board, 95% of reddit, 80% of academics
Did your friends in the schizo ward tell you that? Or is that a hallucination of your own?
Yeah without quantum mechanics there aren't even stable molecules or atoms to permit the possibility of biology. FUCA was the earliest in our evolutionary tree to employ quantum mechanics. Got any other deepities you'd like to share with the class Cleetus?
>the human mind has managed to hardness quantum mechanics
it's all organisms even single cells
>that in turn, leads to consciousness
no, quantum mechanics can't explain consciousness

consciousness created life and the universe not the opposite
high energy photons have probability of interacting with your innards, let alone the quantum foam fuckery
it's not that random events make you do random shit, it's that they generate a larger pool of options for your to choose from. there was a study where higher brownian noise sampling in the brain is directly correlated to higher intelligence in humans. it gives you more options it doesn't make you act randomly. thus, having more options makes for more freedom of choice, which is what brainlets actually mean by free will.
>>16547223 (me)
>just had le wild idea
>out of nowhere I get the idea
>this idea randomly hits me
seems like a useful thing. without random shit popping in your mind like "hey what about this stupid shit? might work" then you'd be a basic bitch computer. if-then, that's it. you'd always have one choice, the simple direct "logical" one, and that's it. you'd be boring as fuck, wouldn't act differently in the same situation.
seems like an evolutionary advantage, makes sense to keep it.
There's no evidence that any such point existed, some of us could always do it, some like OP, never had this ability. Statistically, intelligence is an anomaly and not a rule.
I don't get why retards get so pissed about the possible involvement of QM in consciousness. like do they consider QM to be a magical realm or something and that's why it's absurd for consciousness to be connected to it? why does it need to be newtonian?
I swear it's like these people secretly think all quantum physics is nonsense and only tolerate it because of evidence. literal hylics.
quantum mechanics can't explain consciousness. consciousness is the thing that controls qm and not vice versa,
So I can just consciously change how quantum physics work?
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Freudian slip?
Just went back from Rednote's science section and after browsing for 2 hours there was not a single piece of bait content referencing evolution. It seems to me that the 'evolution debate' is a unique sickness that only affects the American and by extension English-speaking internet due to Americans being uniquely retarded.
Yes, it's called free will
>retard can't explain op's points
>retard brings up chinese tiktok for no reason
>retard uses chinese tiktok
>retard shits on anglos for no reason
you can at minimum affect if a photon is a wave or particle, so if reality exists or not.
>It seems to me that the 'evolution debate' is a unique sickness that only affects the American and by extension English-speaking internet
you mean they are not as retarded as chinks and can question things, unlike the retarded, brain washed chinks.
So I can quantum entangle you with the sun and make you along with your retarded nonsense burst into flames and be gone from reality forever just by consciously willing it?
Quantum physics determines what photons are, so why can't I will antiphotons and antielectrons to be the main components of matter instead? Why can't I will them to be neither waves nor particle by consciously changing the laws of quantum physics?
Yes, it's because christianity (which many retarded americans still believe) was buckbroken like no other because of heliocentrism and darwinian evolution.
Yes but you have to be a trained master in quantum consciousness techniques which might take multiple centuries.
you are a retard chink
No, he is clearly brought it up to point out that obviously retarded OPs who don't understand anything about evolution like this one and barely literate dipshits like you who defend them only exist on english speaking forums.
So it would take you centuries before you could achieve actual consciousness, NPC?
>retarded chink can't explain how nonsensical evolution is
>must be the christian
>retarded chink can't explain op's question
explain op's question or shut up you retarded turd
>NPC is getting mad
NPCs always get so mad when someone just implies this could be a simulation.
You can tell they are retarded NPCs by never addressing the points and just calling you stupid for questioning the simulation.
You are the one who said it would take centuries for you to achieve something that is inherent to a conscious person, angry NPC.
Wow that's cool. Gonna check it out myself
Explain op's question? Why should anyone other than himself explain his retarded question?
>NPC goes into thread
>NPC too retarded to discuss the topic
>NPC mad
NPCs get really mad when they think they can control physics with their minds, then are asked to actually demonstrate, then have a complete emotional breakdown as a result of being completely unable to prove their claims.
Having a melty?
our thoughts are metaphysical nigga nothing to do with quantum equations
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People of all scientific and pseudoscientific disciplines, of all skill levels including nobel laureates and schizophrenic grifters have tried to describe consciousness via quantum mechanics since the advent of quantum mechanics, i.e., for damn near a century. All of their efforts have proved futile (unless their goal was to make money selling books, in which case, their efforts have proven quite successful). Let us remember that Hugh Everett's many worlds interpretation was all about applying quantum mechanics to consciousness in order to solve the psycho-physicalism problem. It wasn't until Bryce Dewitt rebranded it into multiple literal universes that it took the bastardized version it has today, probably as a long term grift to detract people from the truth a la Witten stifling theory progress for decades with a dead end. Let's be real. Who would go out of their way to read Hugh Everett's PhD thesis anyway?
QM probability affects your decisions but doubt the quantum soul magic bullshit
>quantum mechanics can't explain consciousness
if quantum effects influence neuron activity seems we're on the path towards that.
LSD or alcohol also influence consciousness, doesn't mean they create it.

>Why can't I will them to be neither waves nor particle by consciously changing the laws of quantum physics?

because reality needs fixed rules to exist. if reality's rules were so weak you can change it then reality would fall apart. reality is just the "simulation" what we see, it's like a computer game, it will crash if you start meddling with the code or if the code is buggy=doesn't have strong rules.
I didn't imply that they "create" it, just said we're on our way to explain how QM ties into it. having quantum shit affect it is pretty interesting
ITT: Ongoing retarded schizo colloqium on quantum mechanics #98483
ITT NPC retard too retarded to understand what people talk about and has no arguments
Ok, thanks for identifying yourself.

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