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File: look at these trees.png (942 KB, 866x1045)
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6000 years ago large trees were growing at altitudes far higher than the current tree line. That means it was warmer 6000 years ago than it is now.
ok? there were dinos then too
this isn't a treeline thing rather a glacier being where trees once grew.
glaciers take time to melt.
We know that 6000 years ago was warmer than now from various observations but the popular thing to assert is global warming has made our current planet even warmer than that.
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it's only popular in circles that deliberately misunderstand climate change.
>That means it was warmer 6000 years ago than it is now
that's not the problem you retarded pol shitter
>but the popular thing to assert is global warming has made our current planet even warmer than that.
that's not the point you retard
>but the popular thing to assert is global warming has made our current planet even warmer than that.
why are you lying you fucking retard?
>it's only popular in circles that deliberately misunderstand climate change.
the anti global warming retards like pol
Space is expanding. So 6000 years ago we were closer to the sun.
>That means it was warmer 6000 years ago than it is now.
How come everything didn't die of global warming 6000 years ago when it was warmer than it is now like greta says they would?
that's not the point and nobody claims that you retard
The Climate do be changing.....because it's getting colder and dryer than it was even "recently" (i.e. Bible Time), this proves it irrefutably.

That's why they dropped "Global Warming" after it was clear we were actually cooling. Now we're just "changing"......LOL!

"""Climate Science""" is pure bullshit.
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STOP! You'll make everyone in the Cow-Fart Doomsday Cult cry!
Oh, you had a digital thermometer back in 1000 BC? LOL! We didn't even have accurate thermometers 200 years ago..........b-b-b-b-but muh core samples n' sheeeiit.

Just stop it. The Sahara was green in Antiquity and there were trees growing in the Arctic long before that. The """Climate""" has always """changed""" and it will continue to do so.

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