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How long these two dorks will be able to convince everybody AGI can emerge from a Turing machine given enough computational speed?
after about three years it should be obvious this """AI""" shit has peaked
is AI a jew/pajeet project? are there any white people involved?
>Turing machine
neural networks are analog not binary/digital
you are nitpicking, I am sure we can digitize everything and nobody will be able to tell the difference
as long as theory of operation and speed/order is the same my guess you'd have a similar consciousness to a human. but we're nowhere near running a human on different hardware.
problem with classical touring machines/digital computers is they're deterministic. brains aren't.
the "muh digital computer can't be conscious" is either shortsighted either specifically used to shill religious ideas
There will be a reckoning of the American/global economy. I don't know if it will be a planned demolition or just total disaster. I don't know when it will happen. But this shit can't go on forever. Tech and finance were already deeply fake and gay (in GDP terms and otherwise), and "AI" is the shit-filled cherry on top. Without AI we would already be circling the drain. But the promises of AI cannot be delivered, because
This simply is irrelevant. There is no non-turing operation performed on these computers. Your conscious AI bro is a stack of punch cards.
these two dorks have a lot of help from the "rationalist" cultists
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>on these computers
don't care what they do now. analog computing can go into non-turing territory.


Come on now
AGI is a turing complete machine
intelligence? probably, but the diminishing-gains thing might fuck it up. pretty close tho.
consciousness? nah.
Consciousness and intelligence aren't joined by the hip, a fact that has really surprised me.

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