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Are doctors glorified drug dealers?
You would think people with personal doctors would enjoy great health...
In reality they mostly end up drug-addicted and eventually dead from overdose.
rockefeller's flexner report destroyed all non drug medicine
You might have the arrow of causation backwards. People with "legal" drug addictions seek out personal doctors who will keep them supplied with their favorite brain candy.
But isn't it a moral and professional duty of such doctor to treat his patient from this addiction instead of exacerbating it?
Western culture has an ingrained habit of looking for quick solutions rather than lasting cures. Both doctors and patients are guilty of this. We as docs are obligated to recommend our patients the most ideal maintenance of health, but at the end of the day if the land whale doesn’t want to begin exercising and would rather load up on hypertension and diabetes drugs we legally have to let the patients have autonomy. There are also many retarded docs out there bound by laziness and precedent to prescribe things they refuse to see the detriments of while citing only the benefits, including opiates, shit like topical steroids which is becoming a mini medical controversy, even the lobotomy historically.

Luckily we are working on new solutions. Nerve blocks do pretty good at preventing pain and are non-addictive and are becoming more common to prescribe
t. an Anesthesiologist
In theory, sure. In reality, very few are like that. If your health happens to coincide with their incentives, that's good for you, but you are not the primary concern.
>Are doctors glorified drug dealers?
Sure, if you want them to be.
>Are doctors glorified drug dealers?
When they are part of a hospital system:
When they open up their own clinic to give drugs that insurance would never cover:
all professions have 10% of actually good at their craft people
Western science failed us
right, it was the report, it wasnt buying every congressman
And 10% of posts are actually good.

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