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If evolution is true then why does male anal sex feel good? There is no known function of the male prostate.
um excuse me, there is no splitting on the human branch of the tree, bigot
KYS, you'll never be a woman.
That would mean only thing:
Negroes are monkey.
>There is no known function of the male prostate
That's the 2nd dumbest thing i read this year
I should have specified, the sexual pleasure aspect.
>no known function of prostate
Are you fucking kidding or trolling?
I should have specified, the sexual pleasure aspect.
probably because it forms from similar tissue as the vulva and nature got lazy and didn't remove the pleasure from the prostate version
>There is no known function of the male prostate.
Nobody over the age of 14 is this stupid.
did you know that gay men have larger and more pleasurable prostates?
explain that christians
shitting also feels good but requires no lube, because unlike faggot sex, it's not forced
It doesn't feel good.
People get off to it in conjunction with penile stimulation and the submissive aspect of it.
Because evolution is not about perfection but what works. Sex makes babies, but life cares more about the sexual pleasure itself than creating more life.
Evolution isn’t even about what works, it’s about what doesn’t work. Things that don’t work get weeded out. Things that don’t don’t work get passed on. But the latter can include things that work as well as things that are benign and do nothing, or just anything that doesn’t actively make things not work.
it's funny how atheists can never find those common ancestors just before a split.

but they totally existed , I swear on my science !
I saw that
What did it say?
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some fucked up diatribe about how he can only fit "prime numbers of peanuts" up his ass
Woman don't have a prostrate gland. Woman don't like anal sex. Woman's vagina makes man's penis feel good. Man protects Woman, and evolution daemons encoders encode this behavior onto human DNA. Men like anal sex, because massages prostrate and feels good. Man helps his ass fucker pal survive, and evolution daemons encoders encode this behavior onto human DNA. This explains why there are a lot more male homosexuals than female homosexuals. Male homos just hide in the closet better, because males kill other males if the ass fuckery is too overt because womyns wont mate with men who are too much into ass fuckery, as they dont like it. evolution daemons encoders encode this behavior onto human DNA.
This is genuinely something I've wondered about for years. Why the actual fuck is the prostate innervated with pressure receptors that provide afferent sexual stimulation?
>to make ejaculation feel good
Okay so why are they responding to external pressure then? Repeatedly and intensely, with zero refractory period? When this isn't even the main mechanism of orgasmic pleasure?

And then also consider that the external anal canal is innervated by the pudendal nerve specifically, despite several other sensory fibers being present nearby and perfecfly capable of innervating that, without being intrinsically hooked up to the sensations of the external genitalia

This has genuinely led me to wondering if intelligent design is true, and that God made us bisexual
You're right, we need more data.
Meet me dressed in lingerie and properly shaved, I'll conduct more experiments on the matter.
Cope and consolation for betas. More complacent and cooperative male workers makes for a productive society
>controling piss and making babies feel pleasurable has no evolutionary
its not placed in the anus. its placed at the beginning of the urethra, beeing coincidentally acessable from the anus

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