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File: whatwouldyoudo.jpg (7 KB, 73x181)
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I'm no mathematician, but I wanted to see how you guys would solve this problem. Also there are 24 bombs left, Idk how useful the last information is.
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also here is the full game
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These are all consistent. You need more info
so no guess?
You can start solving that from top right of the unsolved area. The unsolved 3 has to be in one position.
That's all it would be, a guess.
I think that's a bad move. The possibilities of location of the bomb are pretty symmetric so it's about 50-50 you get the choice wrong. Since there are only 24 bombs left and well over 48 tiles, you can find a better spot to guess.
Not a 50/50, it's 100% in one spot. Please this is not a dumb zone no dumb here.
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All I could come up with was this
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and this (also the flag under the 2 was supposed to be a question mark)
It could also be to the right of the bottom 4. The 2 could be fulfilled by the space to the left of the ?.

I don't see how it's 100% and it's certainly not obvious. See above
Because in 2 more moves one leads to contradiction while the other doesn't
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well that would be the second image that I have posted. But now I fixed the flag
so it's a 100% that I would hit or miss?
I won't be answering further questions
No, he realized he was wrong
I have been exposed, it's not a solvable puzzle without guessing at least one more time. A good place to go at it is at the top 2 below either of the 4's
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What makes you think all grids are solvable?
OP never made this claim.
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Of course they are.
well what if we focus on the probability of the two squares that the number 5 is touching, and then try to tell which one is less likely to have a bomb?
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made a guess and it worked, now we have this.
I would write a computer program that brute forces the answer
processing time is cheaper than man hours
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Minesweeper is actually NP-complete. Write some efficient code to solve it and you win $1M.
>efficient code
ok so most efficient way is to read minesweeper memory and see the grid then simply reveal all of it, where's my $1M.
In this situation, a random click in the center of the enclosed blue area would yield a better outcome than a 1/3 mine.
brilliant. now try submitting that as your solution and see how far it gets you.
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technically mathematics is like hacking the code of the universe. So he isn't that far from the correct solution. He gets a nobel, but like one of those not serious ones like obama got.
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You have 8 mines certain which makes 16 total mines
There is a chance that you are at 9 certain mainly the 2-1-2 one where the middle is the one, that would make the 'big grid' 9/44 or 8/44 which are better choices than average chances which are 1/3.
When you are trying to solve it from the opposite blind end the best choice would be the topright 4 just because the opens 'within the 44 grid' are 1/3 that would make you have 1/122 chances to get it right, so you would pick the middle one as colored.
Sorry not 1/122 but 1/58.6
Sorry im drunk, 16/44 would make 36% and 15/44 34% which both are better than 33%
suppose the 4 surrounded by question marks was a three, would your odds increase, decrease, or remain that same that the question mark in the 2-3-4 corner was a mine?
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>working on the same board for 2 hours
Bro if it's been more than 2 minutes just give up and reroll. You don't get faster by trying to make 300 IQ deductions which are almost certainly impossible anyway.

Also don't use the garbage nuversions with blue squares. Either use minesweeper.online or if you want an .exe then a competitive-focused clone like Minesweeper X.
the numbers are only a suggestion
However the point of playing minesweeper is not, for most people, to be a speedtranny.
it could be one in the middle or two outside of the middle. solve the rest of the puzzle and maybe then you know more

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