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thanks french bros
>1km^2 -> 10^6m^2
What the fuck am I reading??
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Lawl, I can't even tell which meme came first anymore.
The first because chad can cup more than a pound with his hands and a mile isn't 1000 paces unless you are a chad, thus a contradiction.
Base ten metric is trash. We need base twelve metric. Until that happens, metric will be as much of a clunky mess as imperial, just in different ways.
shame the french number system is retarded
what is a pace?
I didn't think people used centimeters, or decimeters, just meters and millimeters.

A pound isn't 5/7 of a stone, it's ⅒ that, 1/14 of a stone. Same with the quarter (quarter of a hundredweight, of course), the pound is not 5/14 but 5/140 or 1/28 of a quarter.

Sharp-eyed lads and lasses will see there are two different gallons being referenced, and it's a US gallon that's 128 fl. oz.. An Imperial gallon is 160 (smaller) Imperial fluid ounces.
A pair of steps.
>A meter will be 1/10 millionth of the distance from the north pole to the equator through Paris.
>Is actually 10,001,965.729 m, 10 million meters comes comes up short by more than a mile.
Lawl, lmao, even. Just have to tweak all those derived units!
top kek, saved
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That's not how the meter's defined anymore
It's the distance traveled by light in the amount of time corresponding to 656616555/21413747 transitions between the hyperfine levels of the ground state of cesium-133
Reminder that having a *kilo*gram as a base unit is fucking stupid and it's not too late to fix shit like they did with calories.
Bring back the grave!
Of course, all metric units have quantum definitions now. The length of the meter hasn't changed since they went from the provisional meter to the current meter in 1799, maybe. Hard to tell when they changed from a bar 1 meter long measured on its ends from a length between two scratches, but I'll say they're the same.
In fact, the provisional meter is closer to the original definition than the actual meter. Turns out the provisional meter was about 0.01% long (0.1 mm), but they though it was 0.03% long, so the current meter is 0.02% short, so close!
stfu idiot, you're wrong
Both systems are garbage rooted in arbitrary definitions. The only difference is metric pretends it’s not.

What’s particularly frustrating is the community had a perfect opportunity to discuss developing the development of a new system about a decade ago, one with less arbitrary definitions of units and so on; instead they just decided to redefine all the existing units on terms of whatever obscure combinations of constants and interactions they could think of. Instead of changing meters to a more fundamental-but-still-practical scale, like, say, the H-I spectral line wavelength which is both an anthropogenically applicable length, and one which is actually in astronomy and physics, they decided instead to define a meter as the distance light travels on some arbitrary fraction of the half-life of some random radioisotope.
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>hurr durr we like multiplying by 10
>heres your base unit of pressure bro, you need a hundred thousand of them to describe room temperature air
>yes I'm sure "centimeter" "kilonewton" and "millilitre" are short and useful names, especially when talking about hundreds of them
>base unit of weight is the "kilo"gram not the gram, because gram sounds like le francois word for lord and we're retarded proto-communist revolutionaries
>You want a "third" of something? One part in three? Why would you ever want that?

The Imperial system is better at roughly everything, I will fight you all
Tell me more about base twelve metric, I have a few ideas!
decimal system was a mistake
we need base 60
combines the benefits of both vase 10 and 12
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we must restore 12/60 mathematics and restore sanskrit as a language. these systems are superior because they were taught by the gods(aliens), who have greater knowledge of the cosmos
Honestly, both these are good points.There's merit to having units that comport with lived experience, and there's merit to use of units that make unit conversions convenient. The choice is arbitrary if the units serve the purpose of why one uses the units.
That being said, both systems are obsolete with respect to a space faring civilization. Space and time can use the same units, as can mass and energy.
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>what is a pace?
To the Romans, it was two steps, not one. A mile, from "mille," meaning a thousand, was 1000 of these double-steps.
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>There's merit to having both.
Yes, and that's my issue with SI.
It DELETES the traditional units of a country to impose bland conformity. It paves over their character and history.
In the US, we have the FREEDOM to use either. That is is the ideal system.
The Mars Lander didn't crash because of US Customary Units. The company that built it made no secret of that fact that they didn't use SI. The problem was some pajeet programmer at NASA who grew up in a country where he was led to believe that there could only be one set of units on the planet, so he didn't even check. Metric-chauvanism made him into a piss-poor scientist.
And anyone who can't learn there are 5280 feet in a mile is too stupid to be in the sciences anyway.
One thousandth of a mile.

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