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There exist infinitely many original posts containing the statement that they do not violate the rules of this board and which truly do not violate the rules but it can't be proven whether they follow or violate the rules of the board using our language.
Nothing can be felt that cannot be spoken.
>There exist infinitely many original posts
Nope at the time you posted, there existed 16548395 posts, excluding yours.
>Language is innate.
Explain colour to a blind man.
i pluck this string, and you hear a note
i pluck this other string, and you hear another note
as i pluck the strings together, i make a more complex sound
as i play multiple tunes together, a harmony is achieved
you can, of course, pick out the individual sounds when trained, but the amalgam of the sounds into a gestalt is beautiful
color is the analog via sight
there are individual colors, which are strong and identifiable
if i mix two colors, i can create an aesthetic or an ugly combination
all day, every day, there is a harmony of visual sounds for everyone to notice
people coordinate their clothing colors to stand out
artists paint images of reality to simulate these color mixtures, but nothing is as beautiful as nature
much like a symphony of birds in nature is more beautiful than beethoven
Explain sound and color to a blind and deaf person
can't be any harder than teaching NPCs about souls.
At least color and sound exist.
Prove that to a blind and deaf man
They already know it, because they're not stupid.
Yet another claim to be proven.
>There exist infinitely many original posts
false there is a character cap
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Deaf people still feel the vibrations from the pressure changed induced by sound waves, they just have a hard time precisely recognizing all the minor inflections and tone changes necessary for verbal communication.

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