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>literally pseudoscience
Anon, neuroscientists have barely scraped the surface of how the brain actually functions, so naturally the study of the expression of brain functions is a green science.
You are so funny OP. It is like when someone points out uncomfortably obvious things that people do not want to see. It is funny when that happens.
>green science
Not a science. You don't get points for wanting to do better but not being able to.
Nah its literally just ad hominem, the discipline, which is full on fallacious and doesn't even utilize enough steps of the scientific method to be pseudoscience.
Why are you trying to change the subject from a fallacy discipline like psychology to a scientific discipline like neuroscience?
Modern drugs work in the exact same way lobotomy did, the only difference is lobotomy actually worked, as proven in its permanence, unlike drugs which are basically subscription.
▶ Well, why don't you just kill people instead? What's the point of having somebody lobotomized being locked up in cage?
I recently learned that medication for depression, such as SSRIs, have anhedonia as a side effect. I'm not joking and it's apparently a well known thing in the mentally ill community. Bizarre.
killing is le bad or something
well yeah, lobotomy is the only thing that works
>scientific discipline like neuroscience
fishing expeditions and correlation studies are... le science
Lazy OP. Psychology follows the scientific method but the results are not as replicable. Now explain why this is a failure of psychology rather than a failure of the scientific method to capture phenomena that change by observation.
It’s the softest science of all. You can’t exactly get into another person’s head to verify their consciousness.

It’s like magic. Psychologists pretend it’s not like magic.
So you want to remove significant piece of brain because you're bad? I think killing somebody is more human, than giving him lobotomy.
funny that you say that, but the way our brain evolved was from the back to the front, and most insignificant piece of the brain is at the front, that's where human personality resides, and destroying it doesn't affect any of the vital functions
However I'm product and existence of my personality, not only vital functions, without personality "I" won't exist. That's why I tell you killing is more human.
Your body can exist just fine even if your personality is killed lol.

I don't care that much that my body will be alive if I die. You must be clinically retarded or something to not understand this.
Well yeah you also don't seem to care that you aren't really alive when you're taking hard drugs but that didn't stop you, so once again, why not go for a cheaper and effective option?
First of all, I haven't opted into meds myself.
Second of all, when I did drugs, I haven't harmed other people despite they ware butthurt that I can give dealer $300 and I won't buy them nothing.
Lobotomy is not cheaper than hard drugs or meds, because then you have to take care for the body that's in symptomless coma.
>when I did drugs
who's gonna tell this retard that there's no difference?
Maybe you're full blown schizo. Get your meds.
>fishing expeditions
Nope, they didn't put the worms in your brain, they are just trying to figure out ways to kill and remove them from your brain.
>follows the scientific method but the results are not as replicable
So it doesn't follow the scientific method, it skips the steps about replicating experiments and refining hypotheses through peer review?
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Is this level of retardation explainable by psychology?
Sure, psychology can ad hom some new name to call you for being retarded enough to claim that psychology follows all the steps of the scientific method while simultaneously pointing out the steps of the scientific method that get skipped, but retard works perfectly fine.
>Weigh apple
>Weigh apple exactly the same way the next day
>The apple's weight has changed
If you consider replicability only as failure of the method than no real science exists.
There's very few things that can make your strawman true, none of which would happen in a lab setting.
That is not how the reproducibility crisis works, though. Its more like they assign a bunch of properties to apple and assign a bunch of properties to oranges, but each different person that looks at the same piece of fruit sees a bunch of mixtures of properties of both apples and oranges that they can't possibly distinguish and nobody can agree which fruits are apples and which are oranges.
Well yeah it’s the studying of the mind, psych“ology”. Fields like neuroscience can derive important information to test from the information collected by psychologist? This is how it works no?

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