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>be me, math PhD student
>need to write dissertation
>remember Grothendieck's quote "Fuck everyone, do your own shit. We don't read books. We write them."
>spend 8 months inventing mathematics barely reading any papers or books. Just here and there when I need to refresh something."
>Invent 110 pages of elementary mathematics.
>Hit a roadblock and can't make any new theorems
>Too bad at problem solving to solve popular unsolved problems.
>Mathematical career is over now, because I can't do research anymore. I just got lucky finding a small elementary niche other people hadn't explored before.
Thanks Grothendieck. :')
>Grothendieck was born in Berlin in 1928 to a Russian Jewish father and a German Protestant mother
git gud
This is who your tax dollars are going to btw
>>Invent 110 pages of elementary mathematics
peak pseudery. You’re not a math PhD student, OP. If you were, your PI would have told you to cut the bullshit already.
How do I unsubscribe from paying to OP?
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>Doctor of philosophy
do americans really?
>Fuck everyone, do your own shit. We don't read books. We write them.
chat is this real
I tell you only one word that comes into my mind when I hear about how taxes are spend: "defenestration".
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"Fuck everyone. Do your own shit."-Grothendieck
If you were a PhD student you would know your advisor is most often the one guiding you on what to work on.
The guy was the definition of a crackpot, insane genius. OP is either a complete idiot or trolling.
youre insanely retarded
Not OP but my advisor’s “guidance” boiled down to meeting him once in a blue moon to discuss funding that may or may not have been approved for the zillionth time that year. They call it the “hands off” approach. I don’t think the guy read my stuff even once, but I still got my piece of paper somehow. Academia is a fucking joke desu.
Surely Grothendieck read some books too, not just wrote them?
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Very humorous, but I don't believe you. Post dissertation.

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