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File: Elon Just.jpg (37 KB, 640x480)
37 KB
Does this faggot even test anything?
>We already have New Improved™ Starship™ ready to launch!
It just exploded, it won't be improved with the new data, it will probably explode again.
It's improved based on what? Not on the new data for sure.
If you knew it can explode, wouldn't you fix it before launch?

There's no way they are actually stress testing the components if it keeps exploding like it's the first flight.
The thing must have serious quality issues that can't be fixed without making it too expensive or too heavy.
The first 6 launches were failures too, the 8th can and has to be improved just based on those regardless of how well the 7th would end up going.
We already know you were fired and we already told you to get a job. Don't waste our time with your petty problems.
are you mad about something retarded pajeet?
>told you to get a job
retarded shill always invent these retarded things to shut down criticism because they don't have an argument
you are a retarded shitskin pajeet
The "Boom!" means it's working.
The earlier the "Boom!" the better it's working.

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