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Are there any prime patterns that become more apparent in non-decimal number systems?

And no I don't think I'm super clever and somehow thought of something that no mathematician has considered before. It just occurred to me and I know someone has looked into it and I'm curious.
If by “prime pattern” you mean patterns involving prime numbers, then those are independent of the base you’re using by definition.
Base last prime
3 in base 2 is 11 or
5 in base 3 is 12 or
7 in base 5 is 12
11 in base 7 is 14
13 in base 11 is 12
17 in base 13 is 14
19 in base 17 is 12
23 in base 18 is 14
29 in base 23 is 16
31 in base 29 is 12
37 in base 31 is 16
41 in base 37 is 14
43 in base 41 is 12
47 in base 43 is 14
53 in base 47 is 16
59 in base 53 is 16
61 in base 59 is 12
67 in base 61 is 16
71 in base 67 is 14
73 in base 71 is 12
79 in base 73 is 16
83 in base 79 is 14
89 in base 83 is 16
97 in base 83 is 18

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