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Why do some girls squirt and queef whilst other girls do not? What is the science behind it? The psychophysics so to speak
pissing helps lubrication? no clue about the psychoacoustics of it
It doesn't smell like pee
what do you think it is? ectoplasm?
It smells like a nice salty floral broth with a hint of armpit
life uh find a way
gotta come from somewhere. where would quarter liter spraying on your face be located in the female body?
I guess she's just marking her territory all over me
Queef is just air getting in their pussy, you can make it happen by gapping them.
As for squirt I think it's a skill issue, I have made 2 girls squirt for the first time but I don't claim to be a god because I have had GFs I couldn't make squirt.

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