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Zoomer (born in 2000) here. Is it true that Pluto used to be considered an actual planet in the solar system?
Pluto still is considered an actual planet in the solar system by everyone born in the 20th century.
All these definitions are conventional garbage anyways. There’s very little in common between rocky planets and gas giants. Ganymede is bigger than Mercury by volume. If Pluto is a planet, then so is Charon because their barycenter is outside Pluto. Etc etc etc.
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>Zoomer (born in 2000) here. Is it true that Pluto used to be considered an actual planet in the solar system?
Yes, and for a brief time, the asteroids, Vesta, Juno, Pallas, and Ceres were also considered planets.
We had to adopt a stricter definition or pretend that our solar system has about 800 "planets.">>16554514
>Pluto still is considered an actual planet in the solar system by everyone born in the 20th century.
I was born in the 20th century and I do not agree that Pluto is a planet.
>All these definitions are conventional garbage anyways
Yes, so anyone born in the 20th century should default to what they've known since childhood.
You should be consistent at the very least. So if you consider Pluto a planet, then all the other meme rocks in the Kuiper belt are planets. And arguably is Charon as well. So the answer can be anything but 9.
I don't base my definition of a planet on some arbitrary set of criteria. I base it on what I was taught since childhood. I don't care if there's some rock out there 1000 times the size of pluto. Pluto is a planet, and that big rock is just a rock. It's all arbitrary bullshit anyway, so my arbitrary bullshit is just as valid as yours. You and your panel of scientists who decided Pluto isn't a planet can fuck off.
So if you were taught that pigs fly then that's what you'd continue to think? You sound like the perfect golem.
It's more like I was taught birds fly, and then biologists randomly decided
>ackshully those are classified as reptiles now
"planets" is an archaic concept from when we only had naked eye observations of the sky.
>boomers really believed this is what the surface of pluto is like
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>It's all arbitrary bullshit anyway!
>Pluto discovered in 1930
>I'm pretty sure those were "boomers."
While we're on the subject of people who mindlessly group things together that aren't actually the same...
And what exactly prevents birds from flying if they're classified as reptiles? Do they get sad from the news?
yeah, haha, it was pretty fake and gay, am i right?
zoomer born 2001 and i remember learning about the discovery of the "tenth planet" eris in preschool and subsequent demotion of pluto
You were taught a definition that was based on an arbitrary set of criteria
If you use the only definition that made Pluto a planet then there are ~110 planets.

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