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Even if this is true, won't the arctic be comfy?
burgers do want Greenland for some reason
Acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were both solved with regulations.
The north west passage in being opened by climate change and Trump wants to control both it and the Panama Canal.
I'll start taking climate retards seriously when they address xenoestrogens, the omnipresent microplastics, and cosmic, planetary influences which are never mentioned.
that's why it is so freaking cold and snowing and we have the coldest winter in years, is it because of the global warming?
No. Building shit in permafrost that's slowly thawing ain't easy.
Area around the great lakes is probably one of the safest, in that regard anyways. Bill Nye isn't a scientist, he's a political activist.
the nothing ever happens meme is actually true
Actually it did happen, my house flooded during katrina and it wasn't rebuilt. Rich jews like you decided I wasn't worth paying taxes for. I was homeless at eight and my family had to abandon the farmstead they had lived on for about two hundred fifteen years. The entire Parish never recovered either, and the state finally redtagged the final homes in it last year. Climate change is real and jews cause it.
boohoohoo, don't build on flood plane next time, idiot
Explain how you know Katrina was a "global warming" hurricane and not just one of the regular hurricanes that come every year.
Bill Nye is what you get when an academically ungifted beta-male is promoted to power as a "science communicator."
The land was dry for over 500 years prior but climate change caused by gas companies destroyed the oceans. I know this, because I work for a gas company and can measure the amount of pollution in the gulf. Besides all the lead from leaded gas, there's microplastics making the frogs gay. Humans are destroying the planet's natural ecology and replacing it with artificial tranny ecology. I respect California because of this, because California is at least trying to ban these chemicals and stop the self-destruction.

God gave us one planet, we should protect it.

Because it had survived all previous hurricanes, much worse storms that did more damage but did not flood. An extra foot to the yearly tide permanently ruined most of the existing water control, and turned a productive agricultural marshland into part of the gulf. It was only forty feet from the new shoreline to the old, but forty feet is enough.
just because a flood plane didn't flood for 500 years, doesn't mean you should build a house on it, retard
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As far as natural disasters goes, Michigan is pretty boring. Of course you need to stay out of cities like Detroit, Flint, and Benton Harbor, but those are due to human disasters.
either trolling or a 20IQ monkey retard
The only way to fight climate change is to massively decrease the population of China and India. Every other action is completely irrelevant.
or just someone who did a geological survey before buying land and made sure not to buy worthless land that floods after a little rain
Katrina was an artificial storm

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