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Hi guys, college newfag here. My GPA is almost entirely propped up by me being much better at other subjects, but math has always eluded me. Well now I need it and can't avoid it. I would even say that I need a bridge from junior year of high school math to calculus 2 to be constructed in my brain in about 6 months time. Is that possible, and how would I do it? What fundamentals should I work on?
ngmi. Consider trade school.
Lame. I'm being slightly hyperbolic of course, I just don't want a weakness screwing me over even if I can make up for it.
Check out mathacademy. It's 50 bucks a month but is substantially more efficient than other resources because it uses spaced repetition, small bite-sized lessons, and doesn't do any of that time-wasting video course stuff. It just shows you an example or two, and then has you practice for a couple problems, rinse and repeat. They have this giant knowledge graph of all the prerequisites from 4th grade to college level math and they give you reviews that incorporate things you need refreshers on. It's 4 times faster than traditional study. Start with the Foundations 1 and see if you're missing any prerequisites.

It's much faster than any resource out there besides literally hiring a tutor to take you through years of math. It's still in beta, so not a lot of people know about it, but it's vastly superior to shit like Khan Academy. They've got a draft of their pedagogy on google docs that I've read, and it all seemed reasonable, so I checked it out.

They literally give you a diagnostic exam that shows you the different things you need to work on and it reacts to the correctness of your answers. Just check out the page for one of their courses and you can see how finely grained the lessons are.

I wouldn't normally respond to some /sci/ thread, but this shit has given me hope of being able to learn math to mastery and I felt the urge to proselytize. Try it out, you won't regret it.
Thanks, bro. I will definitely check it out. And yeah I went to Khan Academy but it's annoying trying to decipher his scribbles and his accent.
This is pretty much all you could ever care to know about the site, so check it out if you're interested in examining that 4x faster claim.
"This thread is definitely not an ad" the thread.
One thing I really dislike about mathacademy is it completely missed out on the big picture, theory/culture of math. If actually want to be good you have to absorb the culture/tribal knowledge. I'd say it's more accurately an accompaniment to learning math

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