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How do galaxy brains even exist like like?
If you scanned his brain, would he have more memory registers then the normal six?
There's nothing impressive about this. Stop downgrading intelligence standards.
Yesterday checked my parcel location with tracking number(eleven digits mixed with letters), same night had 2,5 liters of beer, 1liter of which was 8%. Today midday typed in the same tracking number from memory. How did it not get washed away with so much detergent?
> There's nothing impressive about this
Yes there is. Less than 1 in 1,000 people could do this
Less than 1 in 1,000 is also the number of people who give a shit about scrabble. Funny how that works.
It’s not about scrabble you goof, it is about memorizing 6,126 words a day for 63 days straight, use your head.
This task relies on heuristics. Does he really comb through a mental library of 360,000 words? Does he take the letters he has and generate every possible copmbination to see which are valid words? No. He has developed a filter that allows him to make maximum likelihood guesses about valid words quickly, like a LLM does.
Extreme cope.
>memorizing 6,126 words a day for 63 days straight
you have no idea if he actually memorized all those words. there are systems to memorize things and this autist is probably using some tricks.
holy shit you could be the next autistic super soldier. go enlist in your country's military right now they need your mental prowess
if he was truly intelligent he wouldnt be wasting his life on pointless shit like this
Yeah, he should be working for the government for research with hours and bosses, or someother “not pointless” task normies do.

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