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i believe so, but you can't go forwards in time faster without imploding
>you can't go forwards in time faster without imploding
Shit take. However low the factor might be, that's the only thing we actually can do.
only thing we know for sure* we actually can do
>Is time travel Possible
Yes, but it's not like on Back to the Future.
your body constantly does. your feet are younger than your head.
you would have to travel faster than the speed of light, but to do so you would need to have negative mass. i'm inclined to say it's not possible unless we can prove the existence of tachyons
>unless we can prove the existence of tachyons
Someday in the far past, we probably will.
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>your feet are younger than your head.
The beam was too strong and arrived before the receiver was complete.
now that's funny. actually made me laugh thank you
Hence the term "propheteering".
in that case it's the other way around but I guess it matters how much time you spend asleep and how much active. In our case we sleep 8 hours on average so during that time there's a gravitational differential across the width of your body depending on how you're sleeping. Once active and upright you spend around 16 hours so technically yeah your head should be overall older than your feet. For bats dunno what tf they do all night.
>you can't go forwards in time faster without imploding
If relativity to be believed, then it's the exact opposite. One can travel forwards in time by warping gravity aka time dilation. Time is relative to motion. Hence space-time.


Going backwards is extremely difficult due to entropy. It would take a nearly infinite supply of energy to inverse the flow of time. Even then you would have to fold spacetime in on itself to move backwards to a point in the past.
the only way you could go back in time is you'd rewind the whole universe and everyone forgets everything that happened. in this universe. anything else is just weird as far as logic goes
we also have no choice but to travel in the future at various rates depending on our position, it's just undetectable in our everyday experience.
If backwards time travel was possible, we would have seem the the effects of it already.
>the only way you could go back in time is you'd rewind the whole universe and everyone forgets everything that happened.
Scientifically explain how to defy entropy and the laws of physics. Keep in mind going to the future stays entirely within these limits. You can witness the heat death of the universe sure, but you can never come back to this moment in time ever.
>it's just undetectable
Ah, so you can't explain or verify your results. /x/ is probably a better place for bait.
>Scientifically explain how to defy entropy and the laws of physics.
I didn't say it's doable, just going through the logic of it. You can't go in some other place which is our past. Don't know how you'd rewind our universe while still keeping your memories. Sounds weird. So if we ever did it we wouldn't detect it. Any moment could be past for us, without memory of any future. The logic of backwards time travel doesn't make any sense.
Forward time travel makes sense and constantly happens, just look at your phone with GPS on, dot being where you actually are is direct proof we always and constantly time trave to the future. Issue is GPS satellites are far enough that required precision shows the time travel, makes it a problem. But at individual level we can't detect it with our senses, it's irrelevant. But it constantly happens.

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