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File: the chad thicc lover.png (262 KB, 863x782)
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My wife has turned into a belligerent retard since taking this shit, what is the story with ozempic fellas? I had a real bad feeling about it from the start
If shes losing weight she could now get a better guy than you so shes being more hostile as a result. This is natural reaction to improving social market value. Alternatively if she isn't losing weight but Susan is shes just being a woman. That's also natural.
There's nothing more psychotic than a fat bitch who turns skinny. All that repressed desire for the power of feminine beauty comes flooding out. They're everywhere now and nobody has anticipated the destabilizing sociological effects of this.
>nothing more psychotic
I raise you skinny Asian kid who starts lifting
You shouldn't allow your property to misbehave.
If you don't correct her some other nigger will do it for you.
True and real.
Retard take.
If your wife got herself onto ozempic purely for weight loss then she's retarded and gulllible but that normal for females.

You're looking at muscle and bone loss with maybe some light brain damage and when she comes off them she'lll rebound to even fatter.which is what the drug companies want.
These drugs were designed for I think diabetes treatment.

just stop eating the modern toxic slop they call "food" and your body composition will correct itself.

certain types of exercise can also help
People use weight as a crutch, thinking if they lose the weight all the problems will be solved. Unfortunately after losing the weight you are still left with yourself and nothing much changed. Though people will treat you better.
anyone who'd take this was already a beligerent retard
No they won't, you actually have to be fit and very good looking to be treated better. For men, this means you have to be tall, and for women, it means you need to have naturally big tits and ass/thighs, the latter of which only get bigger from simple workout routine. This takes good diet and dedication and people know it and that's why they're attracted to it, majority of beautiful traits are literally signs of good health.
>it means you need to have naturally big tits and ass/thighs
you really don't
only faggots don't care about this
No, I think your assessment is wrongthat it's just "tits and ass/thighs",
As long as her face is cute enough and she's not completely flat or fat she'll be treated well.
all women's faces are ugly
only if you look into their souls
This is just part of the Danish strategy to prevent an American invasion of Greenland
>amerimutts please remember, as soon as you step foot on greenland we will black all ozempic exports to the us
>you will suffer for your hubris by dealing with your nation of ozempigs
If ozempic works by suppressing appetite, will people who take it end up malnourished due to their new diet consisting of small amounts of slop?

Eat nutritious food = body satisfied with nutrients, won't overeat

Eat slop = body desperate for nutrients, demands more
People bitch about the vaxx, but ozempic is a lot more dangerous. It's a chronic dose that heavily affects your whole metabolism. You can't continuously fuck with the body without fucking it up sooner or later. Then again maybe it's better than being fat.
>Eat nutritious food = body satisfied with nutrients, won't overeat
vaginal logic, and you will never be a woman
yes basically that
although I remember some sort of issue with rottingh food in their abdomens
I have eaten giant puffball mushroom before.

It's not particularly tasty, very heavily carried by marinades and breadcrumb frying
don't they actually use something stronger than ozempic
Not sure, I can see the fat loss version being a higher dose.
I think they had to relabel it so they could get it through on some other legal technicality

they markted it like crazy though.

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